Chapter 1

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Nervously I pull my suitcase after me, my hair is a wild mess and sticks up in every direction. Courtesy of 12 hours of traveling

I am barely able to hold all of my bags while moving toward the exit. Once I've reached the arrival terminal I release a shaky breath and let my eyes wander through the hall but don't see any familiar faces.

Slowly I make my way over to the side so I won't be in the way and clumsily put down my two duffle bags beside my huge suitcase and start combing through my hair with my fingers to put it up in a messy bun.

Here I am. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. U S fucking A.

After years of trying to get me to come live with him, my dad finally convinced me, more or less.

I didn't have a choice, really, and it couldn't be so bad could it?

My dad supposedly lives the American dream here anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I've been dying to come to America. It's been my dream for so long and as half American it should be a given that I want to know more about my roots.

The main problem in this situation is my stubbornness.

Born and raised in Austria I was a mountain girl. I grew up with flowers in my hair and grass under my bare feet, literally.

My mom met my dad when he was yet on another stay abroad. He is a big shot manager for ice hockey teams and helped out a friend for about half a year.

It didn't take long for my mother to fall for the charming American and all man-like my dad enjoyed a no-strings romance abroad.

Sounds great and all, I know. Unfortunately, I ruined the fun a bit. Actually, I'd like to point out it was my dad's sperm that decided he wanted to get comfortable somewhere else than in my father's dick. But I don't want to give you the Bee's talk right now. Let's move on.

Anyway, a pregnancy always makes more-night-stands a bit less fun. I don't think a have to tell you what happened. It's the same thing almost every time.

Man freaks out, man tells woman he's not ready and she's not either. Woman is shocked. Woman starts yelling and swearing to cut off his dick. Man's nostrils start to flare and his face turns read. Man screams at woman that the only smart thing is to get rid of 'it' Woman points a finger at his face and tells him that things around here are being handled differently and he should get his arrogant American ass back were it came from. Men screams some more and leaves.

Sounds nice right, young love and all.

Well this is how it happened, I have to listen to it every year on my birthday and whenever I even mention a boy I might like. I love my mom, seriously, she's the best. Think of Lorelai Gilmore with acrazy dedication to health food instead of a coffee addiction. In terms of relationship tips though, she sucks. With my ripe age of 22 I already have developed an allergy against committed relationship. Now don't start judging me. I am not one of those whiny girls who need someone to straighten their insecurities. I defenitely don't have a problem with those. Growing up with my single mom made me independent and strong which I'm very greatful for. That's the problem right there though. Guys usually want to protect you, to baby you and to be your warrior and savior bla bla. You get the picture. I don't need that and I also don't need my dad taking care of me now, after 22 two years of rare skype calls, a few birthday cards and a check every few months.

Nevertheless I am here now and I will be working with him the next few months as his assistant manager for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

I check the time on my phone again, 11:43 am. I landed half an hour ago there's still no sign of my father. No phone call no text. Well, this is a great start already.

Once again I collect all of my bags and my suitcase and head outside. I pull out my cigarettes and light one of my cancer sticks. Suddenly my phone rings and admittedly I am relieved my dad didn't totally forget about me after all.

Once I've located my cell in my bag I realize it is my mother who's calling.

Taking another long drag of my cigarette I exhale the blue smoke and answer the call.

"Hi mom, miss me already?" I ask brightly.

"Not really, I just wanted to ask if you have any idea where my bathrobe is?" she replies dryly.

I laugh out loudly. I know exactly what's about to come next.

" For real now, Fillipa. This was a horrible idea! You have to come back to me, I won't survive! I almost burned down the house today when I was making Zucchini noodles. You know, it is your job to make sure nothing burns."

"Oh gosh, that didn't take long. You'll be fine mom, you know I put sticky notes with instructions of where to find the fire extinguisher and I also wrote down the fire department's number, just in case."

" See, I'm the mom and you've been taking care of me all along. Anyway, how was your flight? Are you at his house already"

"The flight was okay, I had a lovely conversation about hemorrhoids with the 60 year old guy who was sitting beside me. And no, I'm still at the airport."

"That does indeed sound lovely. But why are you still at the airport?!?"

"Well, he hasn't exactly shown up yet."

"Are you freaking kidding me. That is unbelievable! I'm going to kick his ass! What is he thinking, leaving you there on your own after traveling for so long." She screeched.

"Mom, it's alright. I'm not a baby anymore and I'm sure there's a good enough reason and he'll be here soon."

"So he hasn't even called? That is so typical. I can't believe him. I am so sorry honey."

"It's alright, really. I'll just get myself a nice cup of coffee. You know there's this chain called Starbucks which is supposed to be overpriced and not that good. I think I should try it. I'm going to get a double chocolate Frappucino with extra cream, extra sugar and extra everything. "

"Sounds like a plan. Remember though, I won't pay for your extra seat on your flight back because you don't fit in one anymore."

"I love you too, mom. You have fun with your Zucchini noodles. And try not to choke on your chia seeds while I'm gone"

She laughs and tells me: "Alright. Love you, peanut. Take care and call me if you need anything"

"I will, thanks. Bye!"

Once the call disconnects I check my phone again for any calls but there's nothing.

Well, I guess I'm going to get that Frappuccino after all.

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