Five Years Later

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The pictures at the end are the cast members.

Five Years Later~

"Maya come on! We have to go!" Yelled my husband from the the living room of our apartment.

"Alright huckleberry, Jesus. You'd think the loving husband of a pregnant wife would be a little more sympathetic."
I scoffed and made my way to the living room.

"Dad!" Our four year old son whined yanking on Lucas's pant leg.

"Andrew please." Lucas said sternly,As he turned to look at me, Andrew's gaze soon following.
"Momma!" He screeched as he waddled over to me.

"How's mamma's little man? Sleep well?" I asked him while grabbing his hand.

"The greatest momma!" He cheered as he pulled on my sleeve.

"Maya we have to go." Lucas said happily yet sternly.

"Zay, Farkle, and I already loaded all of the boxes." He said grabbing my other hand.

"You, me, Texas lets do this thing." I said.

"Don't forget Zay, Farkle, Riley and Ally." Lucas said.

Ally is Farkle and Riley's daughter.

"Momma, cmon!" Andrew whined yanking my arm toward the door.

We followed Andrew out the door and to the elevator that took us downstairs to the moving truck and Jackson's Mini Van that would lead us and our stuff to our new life in Texas.

As soon as we opened the glass doors to the apartment building Andrew let go of my hand and made a run for Zay.

"Unclee Zee." He screeched as he latched onto his leg.

"Zay, uncle Zay!" Zay said as he reached down to pick up Andrew.

"Zee!" Andrew declared stubbornly as he bopped Zay's Nose.

"Yeah, okay." Zay said placing Andrew back on the ground.

He then ran over to Zach.

"Zachee!" Andrew yelled as Zach picked him up and spun him around.

"How's my little man?!" Zach asked placing Andrew on his shoulders.

"Good!" Andrew said, as he began playing the bongos on Zach's head.

"I wov you Zachee!" He said giving Zach a smooch on the top of his head.

"Love you too little man, now go say hi to Jackson. Even though we both know you like me better." Zach said as he placed Andrew on the floor.

"Hey!" Jackson exclaimed.

"I speak the truth!" Zach said as he walked over to Lucas and I.

"Hey Maya, Lucas, and little mini Maya!" He said bending down to look at my stomach.

I giggled, as he rose up.

"Zachary, what's up?" I asked hugging him.

"Nothing much, but you over here with two babies. You've been busy." He said.

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