Michael Clifford interveiw

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For this I will be interviewing Makaylamp03 who WILL be dating Michael in this book.

I will be asking random questions. I'm copying her actual real life texts letter for letter; word for word.

Why is Michael your favorite?
Bc he's funny and crazy dyes his hair, cute and seems really nice

What's your favorite 5SOS song?
Is that even a question u know this one
No I don't
OMG GIRLLLL it's amnesia

Who out of the band would you like to marry most?
Sorry auto correct

Who's your second favorite it the band?
I said second favorite

What about your third favorite?
I feel guilty
It's Luke
Why do you feel guilty?
Now I feel bad bc Calum is last and I like the same as Luke so they're tied in 3rd

What's your favorite Michael quote?
Idk all of them

Ok this is actually real. Pls don't hate. I'm sry if I embarrassed you in any way Makaylamp03! I truly am!

~Kylie xx

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