Group chat-ill tell u the truth

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(Ar🌸,ezra🤓 has joined the chat)
Ar🌸:i need to tell u a secret that me and the girls have all the boys know except u 😰
Ezra🤓:plz tell me aria i love u and everything will be fine😘
Ar🌸:😂😂😂😂 i cant concentrate with that emoji plzzz change it lol
(Ezra🤓 has left the chat)
Ar🌸:u can do this aria remember what Spencer said I'm little but I'm big...
(Fitz📚 has joined the chat)
Ar🌸:better ok..... There is someone else stalking me and my friends -A 2.0 and they are stronger and smarter than us and the bight alisons grave was dug up -A sent emily something to do she was drunk and was outside her dug up grave and now -A has pictures and is using it against us torturing manipulating and blackmail 😰 I'm scared
Fitz📚:i love u aria and we will find this why don't u come over u aren't the only one that could us some ezria we could watch a movie and snuggle and then maybe i could help u with english homework😏
Ar🌸:😉 ill be roght over mr fitz i defiantly need some help will u help me
Fitz📚:anything for u miss Montgomery
Ar🌸:ill be round in five
(Ar🌸 has left the chat)
Fitz📚:ill be waiting hot stuff 😘

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