Love since Day One

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  • Dedicated to SarahIsSkyHigh

This Story is dramatic, passoinate, and generally just a Youtuber fangirl's dream. In this exciting twist of heart breaking confusion, Sarah is stuck between two people that she's loved since day one.  This is my first Fan Fic, it would mean a lot if you followed me on Twitter and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, this was done quite quickly. @ _EnglishRain_

Chapter One

It's the last Upload tour, Glasgow. Sarah hadn't slept for weeks due to excitement .Jason hadn't slept either

because Sarah wouldn't leave his head. Early morning, Paige is buzzing too.

" Sarah, are you awake" Jason messaged her, she reached for her phone and sighed " yeah, i am", her feelings are all over the place because Jason has became clingy as his love for her in his eyes is ' never ending. Although Sarah is sort of friends with Brian, there's always the hope that there could be more than a friendship. Pouring her monster into a large glass, Sarah calls Paige, half awake but full of energy at the same time, " Paigey, oh my god, it's Upload today! i cannot wait, i think im crying", Paige screamed and mumbled

" erm erm erm i still can't believe we're going to be with Emma Blackery, Jason, and BriBry tonight, this is going to be perfect. I'll be over in an hour", Paige is usually quite boring, but music is her prioriy along with making her best friend happy. She's always had a huge crush on Emma and hoped to do something about it one day, and today is that day. 

An hour and 45 minutes later Paige arrives at Sarah's front door, her mum, Janet, answers. " Hiya Paige, she's upstairs on the internet, typical", Paige ran up the stairs and burst into Sarah's room, sitting in bed beside her. " Yo, Sarah. How excited are you on a scale of one to ten?"

" Don't just burst in, i could have been doing anything, well, fangirling over VeeOneEye, but still! anyway,a million, no joke. How cool would it be if Brian kissed me though? ehrmagerd"

" lets not get ahead of ourselves"

" shut up Paige, he's going to be mine one day. Anyway, why are you so late?"

" oh i was erm..."- Sarah interrupted, " you were stalking Emma's tweets, that's what you were doing", the room was filled with an awkward silence and disapointment because the gig wasn't for another 6 hours. As paige played online Call of Duty, Sarah shouted over, " Jason keeps texting me, i don't even know if i like him, i think i did at one point, i mean, he's incredibly gorgeous and everything, he's talented, but i just can't. I've liked Brian for so long, although we've only met once and spoke online a few times"

Paige sighed and paused her game, " won't it be awkward tonight, though? like, Jason's gonna be there, with Brian", Sarah shruugged her shoulders and refreshed her timeline on twitter, 

" how fab would it be if Dan and phi were going? but noooo, they're in florida, at disneyland, on kiddy rides" giggling, she did find it kind of cute. * Fangirling sessions* .The next few hours were spent on the internet watching BriBryOnTour's vlogs, laughing endlessy. When it came to the time of getting ready for the gig the excitement was getting ahead.

Paige and Sarah wore the same BriBry t shirt along with a few CutCakeNotWrist wristbands each. Paige's red and black hair was bigger than usual. Janet called upstairs, " are you two ready?" Your Life Over Mine was too loud, the girls didn't hear her calling, until she banged on the door, " Hurry up!", grabbing their letters, Paige and sarah ran out, grinning every second until their cheeks hurt. The 45 minute drive to glasgow is a mission when sarah's excited. 

" Mum, i see brian tonight. He's the most perfect human being in the world and i just want to cry forever' 

" Oh dear, what ye like" Janet laughed.

" Mum, it's not funny", Sarah's facial expressions turn serious and she frowns, feeling as though nobody is understanding, she shakes all over and sighs

" Are we there yet"

" Sarah, we're just around the corner", when they arrived, fangirls were everywhere, the tour bus was right outside the hall.

" Have a nice night. See ya"

" Thanks mum" Sarah slammed the door shut and ran off as fast as she could with Paige. Pushing past everyone, Sarah mumbled, " he's mine sorry girls", as paige laughed quitely.

After standing outside for a while, the doors opened. Jason stood at the bar beside the stage with Emma, they both looked incredible, baggy t shirts, cut off Denim Shorts and Vans. Emma's hair was still bright pink, paige likes pink.

" Sarah, come on over. Emma's there and i want to speak to her. I've only met Jason once, i don't think he likes me"

" No, i want to see Brian, plus, it'll be awkward between me and Jason. No, Paige"

" Sarah, please" she begged grabbing onto Sarah's arm and dragging her along. She rolled her eyes and forced Paige to shut up. 

Approaching Emma, Paige was awkward and nervous.

" erm hi, finally"

" Oh, alright there"

" don't sass me, haha, y'know how when you say that? like, i erm, die, inside um, yeah", Paige laughed

" Ah, that's cute"

Sarah shook her head and rolled her eyes and tried not to make any eye contact, although Jason was trying his best to catch her attention for at least a smile.

" Sarah, i thought you weren't coming tonight" Jason made obvious that she'd lied to him, " actually, i want to speak alone for a minute, if that's okay"

Sarah nodded and hurried off, glaring at Paige but trying to speak telepathically, " i will be back, stay there", Paige had been left alone with the one person in the world she just wanted to marry, but each minute passed with no conversation.

" Emma, your hair looks really cool", Paige panicked and tried to remain calm.

" thanks! yours too", this compliment had literally made her life and she somehow felt as though Emma had just proposed, but it was just a compliment in return, sighs all round.

Jason kept his head down whilst speaking to Sarah, " Is there someone else?", Sarah became frustrated and snapped in response " No, for god sake. Give me space right now. I'll be here all night and so will you, so let's just speak later on, okay?"

" Okay, then", accepting her repsonse. his hair was huge, whiter, just overall adorable. Sarah was extremely attracted to him, but no matter how hard she tried, he just couldn't compare to Bri. BriBry wasn't in the room yet, he was backstage tuning his guitar, it wasn't long until he appeared on stage. Sarah's heart sank as the lights dimmed.

This is just chapter One, i'll get round to starting chapter two in the next few days. Bare with me! Let me know what you all think!

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