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  So at the end of 6th grade..I started to eat less and exercise more with my boyfriend Ryland ( at the time )  he was always there for me and would go exercising with me.Sometimes we would sneak outta the house and take his moms money and go somewhere XD June,he began to get worried and started asking me how much do I weigh every so often. And I would always lie to him and say 100 pounds.
But I was 72 pounds at the age of 11. Before that,I was 121 pounds and I felt fat..

By the beginning of 7th..I lost a lot of weight..but I still wasn't happy so I ate nothing all day and would exercise 24/7

but I still wasn't happy so I ate nothing all day and would exercise 24/7

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My clothes stop fitting me..and you could see my bones.i almost looked like a skeleton..

My battle with AnorexiaWhere stories live. Discover now