Weddings in Pink [[LeeSaku/Rockura/SakuLee]]

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The fighting, at long last, was over and peace had returned to the shinobi world. Though sacrifices had been made, Konohagakure no Seto saw another sunset thanks to the fallen warriors. Their names were engraved in the special stone, but their presences were missed gravely. Asuma, Lady Hokage... Pervy Sage. Kakashi Hatake took over in his late friend's place, keeping watch over the village so neatly hidden amongst the tree leaves. With so much sadness in the air, it didn't seem as though the peace would soon be enjoyed~ if it ever was.

Nobody acted as though the past hadn't happened, nobody dared breathe a breath of normalcy.

Not until a young heart decided that it was joy to return to the small town.

His name was Rock Lee and he was determined to bring joy, even if it was only to one certain person. This woman was the one that he would die to protect, the person that he loved above all else. Her name was Sakura Haruno. The duo had met during the Chunin Selection Exams, and it wasn't love at first first. Well, it was for Rock Lee. Sakura Haruno? Not so much... At the time, all she had cared about was Sasuke Uchiha. Sadly, he was punished for his crimes and put to death. Sakura had thought that her heart had gone into the ground with him, but time surprises us all. Little by little, she found herself growing fonder of the bushy browed lad clad in green that brought her pink roses daily. When he dropped by, he'd give her a smile and would let her weep those bitter tears into his shoulder.

Almost no one could believe that his patience, loyalty, and devotion paid off when Sakura gave him her first kiss. Okay, so not exactly her first considering that she had to give mouth-to-mouth once... You get the point though!

Here we are, four years after the death of Sasuke and the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Here we are, in the aftermath of all that loss.

"We gather here today to celebrate the union between these two people," the old man's voice droned on, the loving couple exchanging excited glances.

Here we are, at the wedding of Sakura Haruno and Rock Lee.

"I will love you even after the end of my days," he smiled, "Sakura Haruno, I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you and getting the chance to see you become even more beautiful makes me feel so honoured. I vow to protect you from the monsters under the bed and to keep you as happy as you make me right now. Sakura Haruno, I look forward to calling you Sakura Lee."

She blushed, her cheeks becoming the same colour as her dress, hair, and the bouquet of roses that she so tightly clutched to her bosom.

"I will love you even after the end of my days," she smiled, crying, "Thank you so much for always being there for me and I intend to do the same for you. I'm sorry that I didn't realise how much you meant to me when we were younger. All that missed time that we could've shared makes my heart feel heavy. From this day on, I vow that I will lighten it by loving you unconditionally for the rest of eternity. Rock Lee, I look forward to becoming Sakura Lee."

"Any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest spoke.

The room was silent. Nobody objected.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," he smiled.

The pair leaned into each other, rings now adorning their fingers as the veil was lifted from Sakura Lee's creamy visage. Rock Lee kissed her gently, holding onto the nape of her slender neck.

Weddings in pink... The best way to relieve the gloom is to see the love between a blushing bride and her graceful groom.

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