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Ghost looked over at Ricky, making sure he was asleep, he got up and put on his "best" outfit for work. He was trying to be absolutely silent, so not to wake his boyfriend, which wasn't working. He walked down the stairs, grabbed his keys, and quietly opened the front door. He got to his car and got in and was on his way to work.
"So, he's gone again?" Ricky said with a smirk. "I think I'll go visit him at work....as a customer of his?" He laughed at himself. He took a quick shower, when he got out, he decided to make himself look "nice" for Ghost. He began by blowdrying his hair, leaving it only a tiny bit wet, so it'll be fluffy of course. Then he went to get dressed, he put on a black dress shirt, a pair of his favorite black jeans, and Vans obviously. Quickly put on a little makeup and was out the door.

Time Lapse: 20 minutes

Ghost was on stage doing his usual routine, when he saw what was to him a very attractive figure. "Who the FUCK is that?" He thought to himself. He slowly finished, went back to his dressing room, and regretfully had to put his clothes back on. He walked over to the mysterious figure. He noticed first the height of the man, then his beautiful, big, brown eyes. His chocolate brown hair, swept to the side. He was very pale, had a nose and lip ring, and a lot of tattoos and gauged ears. Pretty much, he was a badass. Ghost took in a deep breath to approach him. "Well, hey there." He said a bit nervous talking to the stranger.
"Hey. I'm Jax. What's your name?"
He said with a flat tone. "Oh, I'm Ghost. So, have you ever been here before....? I've never seen you." Ghost said with curiosity. "I just moved here." He said grumpily. Ghost looked away from uncomfortably grumpy man for one second, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw another rather handsome man, even more so then the guy in front of him... "Is tha-? Holy shit. Jax do you want to go to my dressing room?" Ghost said very quietly. "Uhhhh..... Yeah." Jax said, then they both tried to sneak past, so that Ricky didn't see them.
Ricky stood there watching them both walk past, cocking his eyebrow at them. "Well, I'll have to show him later, who he REALLY belongs to. It seems he doesn't know." he said with a sneer.
Ghost and Jax finally made it to the dressing room. Ghost walked over to Jax who had run into the room in terror. "So, Jax, you look a little lonely. Maybe you would like some company for a little while?" Jax looked at him long and hard and decided. "Oh, well, I am rather lonely, dear. I would love the company for awhile..." Jax slowly walked towards him, and kissed him all over him face and neck, getting down to the bottom of his shirt. He slipped it off, and laid him onto the couch. He crawled on top of him and bit all over him leaving a trail of marks down his body. Jax looked at him and said. "You're going to be mine before th-." A banging on the door stopped them dead in their tracks. "Who the fuck could that be?" Ghost asked angrily. "What the hell do you want? I was busy...." His jaw just dropped. "Ricky! BABE! What ARE you doing here?" He said in shock from the insanity happening before his eyes. "I need to reclaim something that I own. BABE." He said looking at Jax who was trying his best to hide behind Ghost. "Well, what is it? Lemme go get it for you." He said in an angered and confused tone. "You know, you should stop playing stupid. You know exactly what it is that I need. I will beat the absolute hell out of whoever took it from me and made it believe it didn't belong to me." He said glaring back at Jax who began to tremble and ran away from the scene of the crime.

Time Lapse: 45 minutes.

Ricky pulled into the driveway, and slammed on the brakes. "Get your ass out of the fucking car now." Ricky said. Ghost got out and ran to the door unlocking it quickly, Ricky standing right behind him. He finally got the door open, "Now get upstairs." Ricky said shoving him up the winding staircase. They reached the bedroom and Ghost began to look around at the mirror covered, blood red walls. The bed was a big, round bed, with a fluffy, black comforter on it, the lights dimmed down. "Go get on the bed. Now." They stood beside the bed, and Ghost looked at him with the slightest bit of fear, but mostly sarcasm. "Why should I lists to you? He said mocking Ricky. He grabbed Ghost by the throat throwing him onto the bed. "Because.... You're fucking mine." He said in a whisper with a slight growl in his voice. I'm going to show you that I own you, that you can't go around doing whoever you want. That you belong to one person and that person is me, dear." He said with a slight chuckle. "Mmmm...what a lovely sentence.... Daddy. He said in pure glee. "Don't ever talk to me like that again, in that fucked up, sarcastic tone. Do you understand me?" He said closing his eyes, grabbing Ghost's belt buckle. Ricky watched his face change from mocking and sarcastic, to worry and fearfulness.
He slowly unbuckled his belt, once that was done, he got on his knees and lifted the bottom of his shirt up and removed it. "Mmm...You really are beautiful." He said with a smirk. He slithered down his body, and bit down into his skin causing his to bleed. He watched the blood come out of the wound, proceeding to lick it off. "How amazing you taste, my dear." He said. "Ricky, please. I didn't mean it. I know who I belong to. I swear. I do." he said beginning to tremble with fear. "Oh, I didn't realize that you "didn't mean" to sneak past me, to go fuck that bitch. I think not. I think that you need a lesson. Let's start with our number one question." He said shaking with anger.

Who do you belong to, Ghost?"
"You. I belong to you."

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