Truth Or Dare

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Tar as POV:
"This is completely insane!" Sara exclaimed.
"It is not! How would you know anyway? You haven't even tried!" I retorted
"Well I'm not planning on trying!" She argued.
"Yes you are." I said, in a bored tone.
"Tara! I am not jumping off the roof into the pool. Are you mad!?" She yelled.
"Just a little bit insane. And I've done it plenty of times! If I can do, you can too!" I encouraged
She looked me in the eyes and simply said, "You're insane." And walked away. I sighed. "Oh Ivy....."
We were leaving tomorrow, and since it was the day before we had to leave our beloved town (sarcasm, love it), we had decided to invite the boys for the night. And by we, I mean they did. I had no intention in seeking Blondy's, er I mean Luke's face again.
But there we were. In the living room. Sitting in a circle. Playing non other than the famous game of Truth or Dare.
"Calum, truth or dare?" I asked.
"Um....Truth." He laughed.
"Okay, how was your first kiss like?"
And with that he went on about some story about his first kiss.
"Okay, Tara, truth or dare."
"Truth." I said
"What happen between you and Luke here?"
"Dare." I changes quickly. I am not going through this right now.
"I dare you to tell us what happen between you and Luke." He pressured.
I took a deep breath and began.
"Fine. Okay, Sara, remember about a year ago? Well while you were flirting with some guy, I was sitting on the sand by myself. Luke," I pointed at him,"happen to be staring at me and invited me to sit with him. We talked a little bit and we hit it off pretty well. I came up with the idea of walking on the beach and he started flirting with me. I gave in and we started kissing. Kissing led to making out which let to car sex." I finished. Luke looked tense and his cheeks were kinda red. "What Luke, are you embarrassed?" I chuckled.
"Whatever, who's turn is it?"
"Ivy, you're up."
"Ummmm....Michael, truth or dare?"
"Dare, duh." He replied in a monotone.
"Hm..... I dare you up your mom and tell her you got a girl preggo." Ivy laughed.
Michael got out his phone and scrolled through his contacts, doin finding his mom and putting her on speaker phone.
"Hey Mikey, what do you need babe?" His mom voice was static.
"Um, mum, how do I explain this? I kinda, might have, okay I did, get a girl pregnant." We tried to hold back our laughter by putting our hands in front of our faces.
She gasped, "MICHAEL GORDAN CLIFFORD, WHAT THE HELL?! HOW DID YOU GET A GIRL PREGNANT?!" She screamed through the cellphone.
"Well you see mom, when two people love each other very much..." He replies slowly, as if giving an 8 year old 'the talk'
"Michael Gordan Clifford, I know what sex is, I made you! Who is this young lady?! I want to speak with her!" His mom rambled.
"Her name is.....Gotcha! Mom that was hilarious!"
"Oh Jesus, I had a heart attack! Don't ever play like that again!" And with that she hung up. We all were crouched over laughing so hard all of our faces were red.
"Great idea Einstein. My mom almost killed me! I'm only 20 for god sake."
"No problem, Smurf. That's what I'm gonna call you now. Smurf. Because of your blue hair." Ivy giggled.
"What if I dye a different color? Like vomit green." Michael asked with a smirk.
"Then Ill call you vomit boy."
"Oh god. Are we gonna bring up vomit boy again?" I groaned. Vomit boy was a sixth grader I dated in middle school. He got his nickname because in the middle of lunch in 2008 he puked up his lunch.
"Yes, yes we are." She giggled again.
After the game of Truth or Dare, we all decided to a movie. We had the choices of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Triple Dog, Mad Max, and Divergent.
We all decided on Divergent and mid movie in everyone but Sara and I were asleep.
"Let's go get a snack." She requested.
"Mhm" I agreed.
I grabbed a box of strawberries and cream cheese, then warmed up the cream cheese to melt and dip with. (Okay this is actually really good I do it all the time and literally its just...gOoD sHit)
We heard rustling from the living room and soon a tired Calum walked in, followed by sleepy eyed Ashton.
"What the hell are guys doing at this time of night?" Calum groaned.
"Its only 12 am." Sara retorted.
"Well looks like I'm wide awake now." Ashton groaned as well.
"I have an idea!" I exclaimed.
They gave me quizzical looks.
"Well there's this thing that I do. Its the best. So basically, I go up on the roof, and...." I was cut off by Sara who instantly whisper yelled, "Hell no! We are not doing that!"
"Yes we are, so I get on the roof and just jump! Into the pool I mean." I finished.
Calum and Ashton gave me a nod and Ash yelled, "Let's do it!"
"What the hell! People are trying to sleep!" Michael said walking into the kitchen, followed by three other figures. "Come on, we're jumping off the roof!"

That's chapter 4 for ya! So I started a new school Friday and yeah. Its scary as hell. Tone of kids. I mean like tons.
But the buses let us use our phones so some of this was written while I was riding home. I'll edit later or something. Also I planned this whole story out in science class. Who needs an education when you have the internet lol. So I wrote the whole story plan on index cards and my friend Taylor is gonna draw the characters as cartoon form. In science today, these kids we playing with Pokémon cards instead of working so I said, "why have a life when you can have Pokémon?" And they laughed at me. Plus I have like 3 friends and my grade already hates me???? Idk even know. They are just like teasing me but life goes on. Its not like school is gonna last forever and as Emma Blackery said, the worst thing that can do i spread a rumor.
Anyway, bye my fellow marshmallow
Stay geeks
Xx Natalia
PS; listening to And The snakes start to sing by BMTH rn, so heavenly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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