Happy ending

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A/N: hey everyone this is gonna be the last chapter, sorry it was cut short but i have no idea's left. Hope you all enjoy this final chapter.

1 year later.

Chris's pov

Its been a year since Lilo found out about my secret. Me and her are perfect now. Not long after she found out, I proposed to her. She said yes. She soon then asked me to change her, from human to a vampire. Which at first i didn't want to, but in the end i did. And we have never been happier. We now have a little girl and a boy, the girl called Abigail, and the boy called Damon. Yes before you ask they are both like me and Lilo, they are vampires. Born as them not changed in to one. The band is doing incredibly well, more and more fans we have got. It amazing.

Today is me and Lilo's wedding day. And right now we are at the after party. I asked Lilo to dance with me and she did. Soon enough Hero by Enrique Iglesias started playin. I looked in to her beautiful eyes. She looked at me and i started singing to her.

"Let me be your hero
would you dance, if i asked you to dance?
Would you run, and never look back?
Would you cry, if you saw me crying?
And would you save my soul tonight?
Would you tremble, if i touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh pleas tell me this.
Now would you die, for the one you love
Hold me in your arms tonight

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain
I would stand by you forever
You can take my breath away.

Would swear that you will always be mine?
Would you lie, would you run away and hide?
Am in too deep?
Have i lost my mind?
I don't care your here tonight.

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain
I would stand by you forever
You can take my breath away.

Oh i just want to hold you,
I just want to hold you oh yeah
Am i in too deep
Have I lost my mind
I don't care your here tonight

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain, oh yeah
I will stand by your forever
You can take my breath away
I can be your hero
I can can kiss away the pain
And I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away
You can take my breath away
I can be, your hero"

By the end of the song Lilo had tears in here eyes. I wiped her tears away. " i love you baby, right now, i don't know for how long. But, lets start with forever." After that i kissed her.

"Forever and always" Lilo said smiling in to this kiss.

Then suddenly Christina Aguilera-Dirty started blasting through the speakers. Lilo laughed. And so did I , we loved this song. We both started doing all that dirty dancing crap it turned in to more of a show for everyone who was not dancing but those who were, they did the same and did the thing that people call "Dirty moves" it was fun as hell. I can truly say this is the best day of me and Lilo's lives. Even our children who by the way were both 1 years old were dancing the best way that they could. It turned out for the rest of the evening that everyone got hammered whilst me and Lilo went to the Caribbean for our 2 month honey moon. The children you ask? They are staying with the boys but whilst they are getting hammered Lilo's friends were looking after them. Yep, they soon realised that nothing bad happened to Lilo and that she was safe and now she has her family and all her friends back in her life. I can truly say that this is a happy ever after. For everyone.

We all said goodbye to everyone a few tears and laughs and then we were in a taxi on our way to the air port for our two month honey moon. Woo here we come Caribbean. And here we come my beautiful family's eternity together.

And as for the guys you ask? Well truth is they are exactly the same. They are vampire's too, and as for their girl friends (the ones who have girlfriends) are vampire's too. So it truly is a happy ending for everyone. Right enough about that now, i have a honey moon to be going too. Lets now start my forever and always.

A/n: hey guys, its the end of the book. I am sorry if you are sad that it has ended but there will be a new book out soon. Love you all. If you guys have any idea's of what you want the book to be next about then message me. Love you all bye.

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