The Pancake Fic

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Phils POV
Slowly, I wake up and smell smoke and pancakes, Dan must be making them. And burning them.. I get up and grab a towel. I take a shower and get dressed before entering the kitchen to see Dan. "Hey Phil" Dan says smirking. "Hi Dan.." I says pulling out a chair to sit on. Dan hands me a plate of pancakes before taking his into the living room.
Dans POV
I went into the living room and lay on the sofa after getting undressed. Waiting for Phil, we were going to have some fun...
Phils POV
I followed Dan into the living room after eating my pancakes and found him lying on the sofa covered in his pancakes "Dan?" I say confused.
"Phil, it's time to have some fun.." Dan says smiling menacingly. "Here" he says while handing me a jar of syrup. "POUR IT ON ME" Dan shouts. I do what he says and he gets a boner. "Lick it all off me, Phillip" Dan says. This was making me uncomfortable but I do what he says. He moans. I enjoy it. "Philll" He groans, "Shove this up my anus" without a second thought I wrapped the pancake round my 2 fingers and shoved them in as far as I could. Dan let out a moan. I kept doing this until Dan finally told me to stop. He turn over and told me to wank him. I did as I was told. This went on for a while, up and down. Until he came all over the bed and we fell in a heap on top of eachother on the sofa.
And to this day I will remember these 5 words.
"Phil, I think I'm pregnant"
I don't know what the fuck just happened but yeah, that's the last time I'm eating pancakes. Just kidding who would stop eating pancakes? Hope you Phan shippers enjoyed lmao. Bye!✌🏻️🌚

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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