May 21 2015

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Lucy209: Hello! anyone on? :)

Kitty786: Yup.

Hamster640: I am. Jess is too.

Jess4332: How did u know Haley?

Hamster640: Magic

Lucy209: Cool. Do you guys have anything to do this weekend?

Kitty786: Nope

Jess4332: I have a party on Sunday. it's at 5-9 pm.

Hamster640: I'm booked all weekend. Netflix and chill.

Lucy209: >:( Haley really.

Hamster640: Yup. Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Sherlock marathon.

Kitty786: .... So Haley isn't coming.

Jess4332: I guess.

Hamster640: I guess I'll come. Where do you want us to go Lucy?

Lucy209: My house on Saturday.

Kitty786: I think my mom is home.... let me go look.

Jess4332: Ok cool.

Kitty786: ...... um... did one of you knock on my door???

Lucy209: no

Jess4332: nope

Hamster640: no

Kitty786: Um... I'm really scared someone is in my front yard......

Jess4332: Mary call the police

Hamster640: Call someone!!!!!!

Lucy209: Can you see who it is????

Kitty786: no... I'm going to hide.

Jess4332: Call the police!!

Lucy209: You need to call the police mary!!!!!

Kitty786: I'm so scared. I'm calling.

Hamster640: Are they in your house?

Jess4332: I told my mom. she's on her way. stay hidden.

Kitty786: I'm scared. I HEARD THE FRONT DOOR OPEN.

Lucy209: Where are you???

Kitty786: I'm in a closet.

Jess4332: We're almost there.

Kitty786: I hear footsteps outside the door.......................

Jess4332: We're here. which closet are you in???

Kitty786: hallway

Lucy209: Jess is Mary ok?

Jess4332: I CAN'T FIND YOU

Kitty786: I

Jess4332: You What. My mom and i can't find you!!!!

Lucy209: WHERE IS SHE JESS????

Jess4332: I CAN"T FIND HER


Jess4332: we found her. she's asleep on her bed......and we can't find her phone.....

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