August 3rd, 2015

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Candy: Hi
Sarah: What's up?
Candy: Nothing. What time are u getting home at?
Sarah: 5:30 why?
Candy: I'm just really scared bc there's a murderer on the loose.
Sarah: you'll be fine. Haven't we talked about this?
Candy: yes but I'm still scared.
Sarah: Mom and Dad's killer isn't out anymore. She's gone forever. It's ok
Candy: what if I end up like mom and dad? What if I die today?
Sarah: you won't. You'll be ok! I'll ask my boss if I can leave early.
Candy: please come home early. I'm worried they might find me.
Sarah: the murderer won't find you. The doors and windows are locked right?
Candy: yes
Sarah: if it makes you feel safe you can hide.
Candy: I'm hiding in my room. Please come home.
Sarah: I'm leaving in 10 minutes. I'll be home in 25 minutes. Ok?
Candy: ok
-10 minutes later-
Sarah: I'm leaving now.
Candy: ok. I'm still hiding.
Sarah: I'm getting pulled over.maybe bc I am texting and driving
Sarah: they're asking me questions.
Sarah: they want me to open my trunk.
Sarah: oh god. They found you. They want to arrest me.
Sarah: I told you! You shouldn't have killed mom and dad! I said I would kill you! Now you know I wasn't lying! Selfish spoiled brat! Why did you kill our parents because they wouldn't get you a 10000 dollar dress!?!?
Sarah: see you in heaven sis

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