I got tagged...best day ever ;-;

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I got tagged (Sadly) ;-;-;. If you don't know what that is it's were you get tagged and answer questions about yourself, dedicate the story to the person that tagged you, and tag other people. You must do atleast 13 questions, write 13 extra facts and tag 13 people. Oh and you can't back out. Thank you Rebel_Love-Song for tagging me. I will be using the same questions as her and you can use these questions as well. Lets just get this over with shall we?

1.Goth or emo?
A little of both. Mostly goth

Drarry or malec or Davekat or Ereri or Jeff the killer x BEN drowned

3.Favorite book?
Too many to choose from. I guess all of them. Except the twilight saga. I hate the twilight saga.

4. Favorite color?
Green,red, blue. The whole rainbow, or white

5.Music preference?

6. Favorite wattpad story?
The potions tutor by drarry-shipper-13 or Drarry one shots by DemiStyles7

7.Best Friend?
Can't choose between them so it's either my sister or my brother

9. Favorite animal?
Fox or Barn owl

10.Cats or dogs

11. Do you think our society is too politically correct?
I don't know really. I never paid much attention.

12. Happiest memories?
When I wrestled with my brother and he did the Stone cold Steve Austin stunner move on me or video games with my bro

13. Fandoms?
All on my profile

13 extra things about me:
1.I am a proud bisexual
2.I am an Otaku and Cosplayer
3. My birthday is March 22
4. I'm American
5.I love everything about any and all hospitals
6. I am mostly a gay/Yaoi shipper
7. I hate math
8. I can play the guitar and violin
9. I love milk
10. I like the night more than the day
11. I like the water. From the shower to the ocean i love all bodies of water
12. I have hispanic blood in my vains both Honduran and Mexican. Obviamente ablo español (Obviously then I speak spanish)
13. I'm loud and childish :3

And for this i tag:

Btw I forgot to mention you have 2 weeks to make a tag book :3. Good luck and make sure nobody uses your questions to stalk you.


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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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