Chapter 10

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Aaliyah's POV

I felt so stupid for crying over someone that wasn't even mine. It was kinda embarrassing really. I know I'm to good for Prod, meaning it in more than one way. But I deserve better. Someone that'll bring the good outta me, not turn me into a janitor closet hoe.

I never really realize how much trouble wanting to be with Prod would cause. I guess me and Prod not being able to be together isn't a bad thing after all. Maybe I just dodged a bullet.

But on the brightside, I'm glad I have Prince here for me. I can tell him any and everything, and its hard to find a guy you can trust like that. I know I can be myself around him, he makes me smile. Maybe I was looking for love in all the wrong places.

We were in Prince's car driving down the road have a normal conversation. He was trying to make me feel better by acting silly and making me laugh, it worked. Maybe I did have a thing for Prince, and just haven't noticed it until now.. But he probably doesn't feel the same way.

"Where were you last night?" Prince asked me snapping me out of my mind scramble.

"You have to promise you won't be mad or judge.."

"Look at me. Do I look like the type of person that'll judge?" He said making a crazy, but adorable face.

I laughed.

"Okay.. Well.."I stayed in a motel with Prod.."

Prince just looked at me blankly. My heart was pounding out of my chest, anxious to see how he reacts.

"You know if Diggy finds out y'all are both dead." He said in a serious tone, but with a smile.

I was relived that he took it well.

"I know." I said smiling back.

"He didn't try to a move on you did he?" He said laughing. "He probably thought he could make you into one of his play bunnies!"

Its ironic to think that I was the one making the moves on Prod, and that I was the one who wanted to sleep with him.

I smiled, keeping the truth to myself.

"No, he didn't try anything. He was actually really thoughtful."

Prince didn't say anything after that. Maybe he was surprised that Prod didn't try anything, I was too. But I wonder what he would think if he knew the truth.

Prince's POV

I can't believe Prod didn't try anything with Aaliyah. I don't know whether be be happy or feel threatened. He might actually like Aaliyah, and want to be with her, only makinge my chances with her slimmer.

Maybe I should just come out and tell her how I feel. It'll save a lot of time and confusion if I do. But what if she doesn't feel the same way? Then it'll be to awkward for us to even be friends. But I'll take that chance.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what I was about to do.

"Aaliyah.." I said hesitantly.

"Yeah?" She said.

"Ummm." I started to panicked. "Can you look in the glove box and get something for me?"

"Sure." She said smiling.

She started looking through all the paper and found a small box with a tag that says "To:Aaliyah From: Princeton". She looked up at me then opened it.

"I thought you might want to wear it to your party tonight." I said smiling.

Her face lit and a beauty smile appeared on her face when she saw the diamond encrusted infinity necklace, placed inside the box.

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