Chapter 1

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Your POV

LA will always be our home but there's nothing like being back at Sunny Beach.

"WAKE UP YOU LAZY ASS, YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS. I KNEW YOU WOULD FUCK HER" Ashley screamed jumping in the middle of the living room. Wait... Why am I sleeping in the couch? Well looks like last night was fun.

"Hey hey, I know. Now can you please stop screaming? Jesus, I seriously don't know where you find so much energy in the morning." I said while rubbing my eyes.

Oh damn, I forgot to introduce myself. HI! My name is (Y/N) and I'm 19 years old. I'm from Santa Monica, CA but every summer for the past 3 years I come to Sunny Beach with my best buddies. Ashley is 18 and she's my best friend since 5th grade, she's one of the best people ever but when it comes to girls that kid is the ultimate player. Jacob is also 18 and he's one of my best friends since I can remember to be honest. He moved to the house across the street when I was 7 and we became friends as soon as he arrived. And then there's Ryan. Ryan is not only one of my best friends but he's also my twin brother, he's pretty cool.

We've been here in Sunny Beach for 2 weeks now and I can tell you that this is already better than the last years. Basically we get paid to serve drinks, get drunk with our costumers and make out with a different person every night, so yeah, I can say that we have the best summer job ever.

"GOOOOOD MORNING LITTLE SISTER, I heard that you owe Ashley 10 bucks" Ryan said laughing a little bit louder than he should.

(Here in Sunny Beach, the workers have some kind of game, if we can call it that. We only have one rule and it's not to sleep with our coworkers, but we decided to break our only rule in order to make our summer more fun and also earn extra cash.
Basically the game is: from the moment we lose our Sunny Beach V Card -as we like to call it-, every time we sleep with a different staff member we become more expensive. Imagine that I sleep with a staff member that already slept with 4 coworkers, that person is worth 40$ because I have to pay 10$ to each worker that slept with her before. And after me, she's 10$ more expensive to the next person.)

"Ha-ha-ha Ryan, really funny. Don't forget that you owe me AND Ashley 10$. And for the love of god, stop calling me little, you're only 4 minutes older" I said in a bitchy tone.

It was a normal day, we were making breakfast and talking about how much we were worth at the moment. Every year we ended up winning the game, let's just say that we have mad skills when it comes to pull. Right now Ashley and I were in the lead and, as usual, Ryan and Jacob were being jealous. Poor guys, having their two best (GIRL) friends can pull more girls than they can.

We went to the pool for the day, it was an incredible day to get some tan. The sun was shining and I couldn't imagine something better to do than just chilling by the pool.
I can't tell you for how long we stayed there because honestly I fell asleep, but my loving friends decided to wake me up in a refreshing way, and with refreshing I mean something more like an ice bucket challenge, sometimes I don't know why am I friends with these dorks.

After some hours I dragged them back home because we needed to start cooking dinner. Believe me or not but we are incredible when it comes to cook and we actually make incredible dishes.
We took longer than the usual because we were arguing about what we should do but we ended up with an amazing lasagna and I can tell you that it was delicious. Thank god for these cooking skills.
Dinner was over but no one wanted to do the dishes, so we handle the situation like mature people, yes with rock-paper-scissors. I thought it was going to be me losing because I suck at these type of games but luck was by my side and it was Jacob the one who lost.


Tonight is that night of the week, we're about to get mortal. I mean, don't get me wrong, we get drunk every day, but Friday is the day we always get absolutely wasted.

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