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Chloe💞: hey wanna hang at my place

Me: yeah sure be there in 10

Chloe💞: dress nice we are going out 😉

Me: idk Chloe

Chloe💞: come on its your 18th birthday! your only 18 once, live a little!

Me: fine!

I got up and went to my closet. Since we were supposedly going out I picked out a dress that was purple at the top and flowed out to black at the bottom. I put on some black stilettos and did some makeup. Right before I walked out the door I slipped on the locket Jack gave me

Me: leaving now 💘

Chloe💞: k

Jack POV

"Guys! she's on her way!" Chloe yelled

"Everyone get ready!" I yelled

Jess thinks Johnson and I have a really serious studio session tonight when in reality we were all planning a surprise party for her.

"She's here" Chloe shouts as a car pulls up

"Chloe why is it dark in here" she enters the room turning on the light

"Surprise" we all shout causing her to jump

"You tricked me" she was trying to act angrily but ended up looking cute

"Sorry" I chuckle

"Happy birthday" Chloe hug her tight making her giggle

She lets go coming over to me

"You look beautiful" i kiss her quickly making her smile

"You're so sweet I can't believe you did all this" She laughs

"I'm going to miss you so much" i wrap his arms around my shoulders squeezing me

"We still have a few months don't worry baby" She giggles
The room goes black causing everyone to scream. They slowly come on and written on the wall is:

This will never be over, xx -A

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