Chapter ONE

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It's me, Jade. I have to write my feelings down because I don't know how to express them. Well, it started when Niall asked me out to the Carnival in the beautiful city of Cardiff. He had a week off from the tour and I was between concerts. We were at the Carnival and Niall went to go buy me some Cotton Candy.
"Wait here, babe." He said. I sat down at the bench where I could have a full view of the food stands. I saw some familiar faces come toward me. It was my best friend Perrie and Niall's bandmate; Zayn.
"Hey, girl." Perrie said. Zayn was holding her arm really tight and I stood up to tell Niall that our friends had joined us. I didn't think of this as a date, and I certainly didn't anymore because they showed us. Perrie and Zayn went to go play some games by the docks and Niall and I went to go on the Ferris wheel. I am truly terrified of heights, but somehow Niall's perfect blue eyes persuaded me into riding it. We were nearly at the top when he moved over from his seat and jumped into mine. He licked his lips and kissed my neck.
"Stop it that, tickles." I said.
"That's the point." Niall said. He gave me a slight smile and then kissed me. On the LIPS. I didn't expect this from him, but I didn't resist.
"Is this a date." I said.
"You want it to be?" He responded. I stayed quiet and laid on his chest. I thought that would give him the idea. At that moment he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I couldn't resist that cute Irish face staring at me. Our cart was squeaking and making noise. I got scared and he was there to comfort me because he knows how afraid I am of heights. When we got down from the Ferris wheel, Zayn and were there to greet us...

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