Series finale -1/4-

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Jason: this is a joke right?

Julia: no, now would you please shut it

Kara: hey ready for that job interview?

Julia: uh yeah

Kelly: let's go then squirts

Julia: ok let's go! You know there's gonna be a rainstorm in a few

Kara: yeah, well let's get our butts moving!

Kelly: did Jason get a makeover?

Jason: no, Kelly did you get a makeover

Kelly: uh no
- later -

Julia: talking about werewolves reminds me of something

Kara: me two

Lydia: me three

Lisa: remember grade school? We would jump in puddles?

Julia: yeah, that was cute

Lydia: very
- even later -
Jason: isn't bed time?

Julia: what the

Kara: we past that 7 years ago

Lydia: yep
- lights go out -
All girls: *gasp*

Julia:........... Um what just happened

Kara: black out

Jason: AHHHH!

Lydia: what the fluff Jason?
- lights go back on -

Julia: guys, where is Kara?

Lydia: I don't know.

Jason: oh glob

Julia: ok anyone seen Kelly then

Kelly: what did I miss?

Lydia: where were you?

Kelly: in the bathroom

Julia: well a 1 minute black out, um and Kara vanishing.

Kelly: wow

Lydia: insane right?

Jason: what year is this

Girls: 2026

Jason: ok, anyone gonna say "jinx"

Julia: that's so teen like

Lydia: yep

Kelly: well, yeah
So the time has come where the series ends, please don't hate me for ending the series so soon. But little shorts are coming up every once and a while. I don't know, I might restart the series. Again, please don't hate me please.

- kitty

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