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(Above is a song i think fits really well with this book. Even though it's a Gravity Falls video -note: i love gravity falls- it's still great! It's a very beautiful, piano-centered -there's still lyrics- song. p.s. I am so incredibly tired but i HAD to update even though im dying -not really- i got maybe three hours of sleep last night -insomnia says im welcome- it comes and goes. I feel like when I do sleep though, that im still so %#*$&*! tired. god that censor took me so much longer than it should've. okay enough of my crap read the dang story. -please- LOOK AT PICTURE. PICTURE IS IMPORTANT.It's so much work right now im dying jfc. I should stop but I cant i must finish. There's cursing. So... your warned I guess)

You don't know what to do.

You reach out your hand.

Inside, like a little heartbeat, is your soul.

It clings to your palm.

You smile.

He doesn't take it, not at first.

Just like Papyrus doesn't leave. Not at first.

"p-pap... i... can't... let... you... watch.... this..."

"Sans. Ple-ase."

"n-no." he smiles, blood trickles down his mouth.

"I'll come back."

He smiles.

He never stops smiling, though, does he?



"S-sans... take... my... s-soul."

"n-no, fris-"

"i'll die, and i-i-can't- reset. i'll-- i won't- come back. no one will come back."

he thinks.

a... tear? 

falls from his eye.

his left.

it's firey blue.

his eye turns a bright golden, the majority-if not all- of his remaining power.

it lifts his soul, glowing blue, red drips from it.

you reach out to touch it.

He continues his facade,

a grin, 

plastered to his face


it falters, as he touches your soul to his.

a burning pain.

it's incredible,

Soars through your bodies, as they suddenly meld.

You enter his mind.

It's simply a shadow.

Sans is shattered, inside, and he's sitting, softly shaded blue and white, as you are red, in his mind.

"h-hey. y-you made it."


"n-now.... w-what's you're... g-grand p-plan?"

"I need to heal us."


"I... have to... borrow... your... soul... you have control, I... need... control for a minute... please, Sans, you need to give me access to your deeper mind, your conscious mind."

His mind runs with thoughts.


You heal.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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