I Love You

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I woke up drenched in my own sweat. Another nightmare. They are always about Mike, my best friend, leaving me. It always ends with Mike getting angry at me and storming out. I had tears streaming down my face and it didn't help that i was sick with a stomach virus. I hurried out of bed and ran toward the bathroom. I made it to the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach. Once i finished, i brushed my teeth, and crawled back into my bed. As i was about to fall asleep my phone buzzed beside me. Ugh, i'm not in the mood. I grabbed my phone, despite my mood. Checking messages i saw that i had a message from Mike reading; Hey turtle, are we still hanging out today?

Shit, i thought. I totally forgot I was hanging out with Mike today. I replied; Sorry Mike. I'm really sick. Maybe another time?

I waited for an answer, but it never came. So i just decided to go back to sleep. He probably hates me for canceling on him. I hope not. And with that, i fell back asleep.

I awoke about 15 minutes later to something shifting on the bed beside me. I turned around really fast, terrified.


I got out of bed and started getting ready for today. I made sure to look just a bit nicer than usual since i'm supposed to be hanging out with Tony today. Once i had finished i made sure to send my little turtle a text; Hey turtle, are we still hanging out today?

A minute or so later i got a reply; Sorry Mike. I'm really sick. Maybe another time?

Aw, poor Tony. I was really hoping i could see him today. He just hasn't been himself lately. Almost like he hasn't been sleeping much. Maybe i should still go over to his house to make sure he'll be ok. But first i'll stop by the corner store and buy him some stuff to try and make him feel better.

Once i finished at the store, i made my way towards Tony's house. I bought him some soup, medicine, the newest Star Wars movie, and a little teddy bear. Lets just say i have a crush on Tony, and i have for quite some time now. So i mine as well go over-the-top for him. I pulled up to his house, grabbed the stuff, and unlocked his door with the spare key he gave me years ago. I smiled at the old memory. The house was very quiet. Hm, he must be sleeping. I walked into his room and found him peacefully sleeping in his bed. He is the cutest. I set the stuff down, and sat on the corner of his bed. He turned over really quickly, i must have scared him.

"Woah, calm down Tony. It's just me," i smiled.

"Jesus Mike, you scared me!" Tony said in a scratchy voice, gently punching my leg.

"Sorry, just thought you needed some company," i said.

"Thanks Mike," he smiled.

"I got you some stuff," i gently stated, reaching into the bag.

Tony percked up a little, "What did you get?" I emptied the bag on his bed. Tony let out a little gasp. "Mike, you didn't have to!" He said picking up the little teddy bear.

"I know, but i wanted to make sure you are all taken care of," i said rubbing his back.

"Mike, you're the best!" Tony smiled giving me a gentle hug.

We were quiet for a minute until Tony said he was going to throw up. I followed him to the bathroom and rubbed his back until he was done. I watched him brush his teeth, then i led him back to his bed.

"Here, take some of this," i said handing him the medicine bottle.

"Thanks," he said, downing the pink liquid. "Can we watch the movie you brought?" Tony asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. That's why i got it, silly!" I exclaimed. Tony just giggled. I then got up and put the movie in. I sat back down and he smiled.

"Oh, how you know me so well," Tony laughed.

I laughed too as i got under the covers next to Tony. The movie starting soon after. About a fourth of the way through the movie, Tony started to cuddle into my side. I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him closer. He smiled and blushed a light shade of pink. He is so adorable. Why do i have to love someone i can never call mine. I pushed that question to the side, not wanting to ruin my mood or the moment. We watched the movie for another 10 minutes until Tony rushes to the bathroom again. I run in after him. He threw up all the medicine and some stomach acid. By the time he was done, he was crying and whimpering that his stomach hurt really bad. I sat down next to him on the floor and pulled him into my embrace whispering soothing things into his ear. He calmed down a bit, but was still whimpering in pain. I carried him back to his bed and laid him under the covers. The medicine clearly didn't work, so i guess he'll just have to wait it out. I get back in bed with him and he automatically cuddled into my side. I then started to stroke his soft hair.

"You'll be ok. Just focus on something other than the pain," i whispered. He nodded his head a little. After a while his breathing started to slow and his eyelids started to droop. Once i thought he was asleep, i whispered, "i love you."

I stayed awake a few more minutes until i decided to take a nap myself. I cuddled Tony closer, if even possible, then fell asleep.


My eyelids started to droop as Mike was running his fingers through my hair. I shut my eyes trying to fall fully asleep. But before falling into complete darkness, Mike said something that made my heart flutter. He had said 'i love you.' Does he really mean it? Maybe i'll ask him when i wake back up. With that thought, i fell back asleep.

I woke up some time later to Mike shifting beside me. I look up to see him getting up off my bed. He smiled down at me, "Hey Tone. You probably don't want me here all night, so i'm gonna go."

My heart sank a little. I have to ask him before it's too late. He started to walk toward my bedroom door, but i caught his wrist just in time. "Wait," i pleaded.

He turned and looked down at me.

"Did you mean it?" I asked.

"Mean what?" He asked.

I blushed and looked down at my lap, "When you told me you loved me."

Now he was the one blushing. "W-well i wouldn't have said it if it weren't," he stated looking me in the eyes expectantly.

I blushed even harder. "Mike, i love you too," i smiled.

He came and sat next to me. He gently grabbed my face and crashed his lips against mine. My heart fluttered again. We pulled apart and Mike asked, "Tony, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" i smiled like an idiot. We kissed again, and as we pulled apart, i said, "It's not my fault if you get sick."

"I don't care if you're sick, i don't care if you're contagious, i would kiss you even if you were dead," we both laughed at the reference. That night Mike stayed over, watching movies till we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer.  

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