Stick Around

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You sighed, 'w-where is everyone...?' You then saw your school crush, Kizami passed out on the floor of the opposite side of the room. Only god knows how long you have liked him. This was not the time for you confessing your love though; after all, you did just appear in an old school.

You got up slowly, and made your way to him, "Kizami...? Are you alright?" You pushed away hair from your face, as you saw his eyes open slowly. "Kizami!" A smile crept on his face, "Y/N. What's up?"

You looked around, pointing to the broken desks, and torn up floor, "what's up? This! Did you do this...? Is this another one of those pranks of yours?" He shook his head, "no not at all...where are we?" You shrugged your shoulders, "hell if I know. Come on, let's see." You held your hand out, and pulled him up.

You both made your way out into the hall. It was dark, and it smelled terrible. You held your hands over your mouth in disgust, "what's that smell?!" You could feel yourself get sick to your stomach by the strong scent. "Hold on, I will check it smells familiar." Kizami began to walk towards the scent as you stood at the door frame. 'This must be a strange.'

As you waited for what seemed like hours, you heard a sigh, and he came back. His hair was messy, his belt unbuckled, and his fly in his jeans was down. His hands were bloodstained, and he had a pleasurable smile. 'Was he just...jerking off?! At a time like this, no less?!' You slowly stepped back, "h-hey..." He sighed, and fixed his clothes, "whats wrong? Come on, let's find an exit." He began to walk around, you followed behind him questioning everything. 'Why is there blood on his hands? Do I dare to ask? No I shouldn't. He would tell me if it was something wrong, right? Yeah, yeah he would. Wait, what's that? A dagger in his jeans? Where did he possibly get that?! We are in a school! Why would there be a dagger? Did he have it all along?'

You began to walk down a flight of stairs. Dead bodies laid across the steps; some had no head, some had no eyes, and others, no body. You held the bottom of your skirt with anxiety. "Kizami, t-this is not right..." He nodded, "don't worry, the classroom numbers are going down, so we should be by the exit." A dirty thought came across his mind, 'she wouldn't have any where to run if I killed her...I could do so many things...she would be lost without me here. I will just lead her to the exit so I don't get too tempted...but the thought of those breasts are, I gotta stop thinking about that.'

He then found the entrance to the school. Shoes were everywhere, it was a big mess. "God, there are so many shoes...let's go...I don't like it here." As you rushed to the front door, you pushed it. It didn't budge to even make a creak. You pushed once more, "c-come on!" Kizami moved you to the side, and pushed on the wood. Even with his strength, the door wouldn't open.

"Y-you have to be kidding me!"

You couldn't believe what you were seeing; there was no exit. You ran out of the room, and into a small classroom, 'I could bust one of these windows!' As you grabbed a desk and threw it against the window, the desk shattered and didn't even leave a scratch on the window.


You then felt big arms hold onto your hips, slightly pushing into you. "Kizami?" You turned around to see him smile softly, "don't worry, I won't leave you alone..." His hands slowly crept up to your breasts, gripping roughly into you. You watched his fingers disappear in your soft mounds. His eyes never broke his gaze on you, and you felt safe.

You stood on your tippy toes and kissed him with all your might. Kizami took his hand in yours, and led you to what seemed to be a dissecting table. He sat you down on the cold metal, having a wave of chills rush over you. As he was kissing you, you felt your wrist begin to get locked in, the your ankles, and you couldn't move.

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