chapter 29

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Victorias pov

     I wake up feeling really refreshed after telling kylie about my past. It felt really good to tell someone about it. I roll over facing kylie trying to reach over her to grab my phone. I carefully pick it up slowly bringing my arm back towards me. I click the power but ten and my screen turns on . The time shows 9:21a.m. I slide the arrow and my home screen pops up. I check my instagram and it shows I've gotten 600 followers over night. After following a lot of the people back I see that Matt and nash have followed me and gave me shutouts. I click my phone off and suddenly feel sick. I quickly get up and run to kylies bathroom. I crouch over the toilet and start vomiting. Matt comes in with nash and some other guys behind him.

What's going on? He asks.

I just keep vomiting as he waves the guys away. He kneels down beside me and starts rubbing my back.its really comforting other than the fact I'm puking. I finally stop taking a few seconds to breath.

I don't know what happened I'm so sorry I say

You have nothing to be sorry about victoria  he replies. 

Kylie comes in looking very sleepy. She asks matt what's going on and he just tells her that I'm sick and she can go back to bed. She slowly walks back into her bed lifting her black and white comforter onto of her.

We should go to the hospital and see if it's anything serious  matt says

Ya that's a good idea

We go downstairs and Matt tens the others we are going to the hospital. They nod and we walk out the door.

Time skip

We arrive at the hospital and we walk in the front doors. The smell of medicine immediately enters my nose. I go and sit in a chair in the waiting room. About 20 minutes later matt tells me the doctor is ready to see me. We walk down a narrow hallway passing colourful art pieces along the way. We get to my room and tryn doctor asks me to take a seat on the bed. I sit down and he introduces himself as Dr. Houston. He starts doing tests and feels my stomach area.

We need to give her an x-ray to make sure everything is okay. He says

He brings a machine in front of my stomach as I lay down. I hear a faint clicking coming from the machine. He tells us he will be back with the results in a few minutes.

He finally comes back after what seems like forever.

Unfortunately I have bad news, we have found a tumor in your stomach that if not removed soon, will kill you.


I really like victorias character but u need to add a crisis to the story to make it more interesting

~ Kylie 🌸

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