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"Hey Dude! Come on in!" said Mike Mo as He motioned for me to walk into his home.
"Thank you so much Mike. I honestly do not know what I'd do without you right now." I said while stepping inside. His house was really nice. I walked into the foyer which had
tall ceilings and skateboards and framed photos of skateboard related things on the walls.

"Well this is my house. You can leave your stuff here, I'll give you a tour." I followed him through a room with a roulette table and a large picture of a nutcracker on the wall to a living room of sorts with a T.V. And large bean bad chairs. He then showed me the kitchen and  the basketball court outside.

"And this is my brother Vince's office." We walked into a small room with a desk and lots of boxes and papers all around.
"And this is my brother Vince!" Vince stands up and we shake hands and exchange smiles.
I follow Mike Mo up the stairs and he point out a couple different bedrooms till he stops.

"And this room will be yours!" Said Mike Mo as he opened the door to a room.
"Sweet! Well this is perfect!" I said looking around. There was a bed, T.V. and a pretty big closet.
"Alright. So you can do whatever but I'm going out with friends later and you are coming." He said while slowly walking backwards towards the door.
"I'm coming?" Not knowing what he was talking about.
"Yes, it will be really fun!" he replied.
"Alright then." I said.
"You don't get excited very often do you?" He asked leaning against the door with his arms folded.
I just shrugged my shoulders as a response and he laughed then turned around and walked away.

I unpacked my stuff and changed into a more "going out" type look. I might wear skate clothes everyday because they are convenient, but I really enjoy just looking nice sometimes.

It was about 8:30 when I heard Mike Mo calling my name. I went downstairs and there were four people in the kitchen. Mike Mo, Vince, David Loy, and Sean Malto. I enter the room and everybody turns to look at me. I can feel my cheek is start to turn red because I really dislike being in the center of attention.
"Wow! You look really hot!" Said Mike Mo with a really surprised look on his face.
"What?" I laughed. "I don't look hot all the time?" Trying to be sarcastic, but Mike Mo looked even more surprised by my sass.
"I'm just kidding. So are we going now?" I said to relieve and awkward silence.
"Hahah yeah! Let's go" said Mike Mo trapping his keys.

We all fit into one car and for some reason they talked me into driving. It was fine, I didn't mind. After giving me really confused directions we ended up at a small club. There was loud music and flashing lights but there were barley and people there. It was really weird but Mike Mo and especially David just walked in liked they owned the place.
Everyone immediately went to the bar. I sat down on one of the bar stool and ordered a drink. I was watching them take shots and what not until. I notice that Sean is taking the seat right next to me.
"Hey!" He says pretty loud so he can talk over the music.
"Hi!" I replied.
"So what's it like living with Mike Mo!" he said looking into my eyes with a smile.
"Umm well it only been one day so far but pretty good!" I said almost yelling.
"Well great! How long have you been in The LA area?"
"Only about 6 months" I replied.
"That's cool. You know I can show you around! Show you some cool skate spots. Mo could too but he just does the same thing everyday so maybe I could make it more interesting."
"Yeah I'd like that!" I said trying to hold back a goofy smile.
"Well great. It's a date!" He smiled again and then took a sip of his drink.
"Mike Mo said that tonight was going to be fun... Wanna go have some fun?" I said just trying to be as spontaneous as possible.
"Uhh sure yeah!" He had a slightly confused look in his face, but he put down his drink when we stood up.
I grabbed his hand and waved for the other guys to join the other like three random strangers dancing on the big dance floor. David Loy was so down he jumped up from where he was sitting and started dancing right away. His moves were so incredible, he made me starting laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.
As much fun as we were having my attention kept getting pulled back to Sean. We were all just having fun but wouldn't it be more fun making out with Sean?? Yaaaa. We only just met I gotta be friends with him first.

It was about 2am and our group were the only people still left in this weird bar. After some exchanged looks we all decided to go home. I was driving and when we arrived at Mike Mo's it didn't matter if they lived there. Everyone found either a empty bed in the guest room or a nice couch spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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