Long live all the magic we made.

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"Mommy? Who's this?" The question she's been dreading to hear reached her ears. The blonde froze in place, stopping the dinner making process. Turning around, she kneeled in front of the little boy with bright curious blue eyes that looked at her "Who, my love?" She asked, putting her hands on his little hips, waiting for her three year old to show her what he was holding in his tiny hands. The little boy turned the picture frame around and showed her an old picture of her and someone else. Gulping down her emotions, Trish simply offered him a smile "That's an old friend of mine. Haven't seen her in a while..." Her eyes filled with tears; Tears she was so familiar with. She hadn't seen Jessica in so long it felt like an eternity. All she really wanted was one more hug. She shouldn't be this sad. She should've been used to it at this point. But four years had passed and she really wasn't over it just yet. To be fairly honest, Jessica had always been more than just a friend for her. She was her confident. Her support and the only person she had ever fully trusted. She loved her. And no, not in a sisterly way. She had fallen in love with her a long time ago. Guess she never truly moved on.

Sensing his mother's sadness, the little boy put the picture away and hugged her, trying his best to squeeze her into a tight embrace. As tight as his short little arms allowed him to. A soft smile appeared in Trish's lips as she returned the hug, running her hands on Kyle's back. "Tell you what. How about you and I have a movies night?" The sudden excitement on her son's eyes told her that he was completely up for it.

It took him half of Finding Nemo to fall asleep and Trish couldn't have been more thankful. She had needed to go to sleep earlier today. Work had been far too stressful. She needed to lay down, sleep and start all over the next day.

After laying Kyle down in his bed, she made sure he was properly tucked in and warm. One of her hands ran through blonde, wavy locks. No one could deny this kid was hers. He looked like the exact copy of what she had looked like when she was little. He had her smile and her silly sense of humor. Her eyes. All of her. Sure, she had expected him to look slightly different due to the sperm she had used. But the kid ended up looking just like her. Not that any of that would've changed the love she held for her son. She loved him from the very first time she found out the IVF had worked. He was the absolute love of her life now. And she would do anything to make sure he was safe.

When she came to realize she had sat there for over ten minutes, stroking her son's hair and soothing any possible nightmare, she tucked him again, just to make sure, before heading to the kitchen. After all, she had to clean up the entire mess they had left behind themselves. Pizza leftovers and ice cream bowls had been abandoned when the movie had reached it's interesting point. Trish smiled to herself when she remembered the reactions of her son to the movie. How he flinched every time the white shark tried to eat Marlin, and how he laughed his guts out whenever something funny happened. He was a happy kid and for that, she was beyond thankful.

In the middle of the daydream she had ignored unconsciously the ringing of the doorbell. It was not insistent and honestly, she didn't know who could it be this late. She hadn't scheduled a meeting with her staff or anything for that matter. With all her heart she hoped it wasn't Dorothy. She couldn't stand her. Not today.

Little did she know that the person standing behind that door was the person she had dreaded to see for so long. When she managed to check the camera, it had been covered. Approaching carefully to the door, Trish only gulped and managed her most stern voice "Who is it?!" She didn't intend to sound frightened. Not at all. But she was. After all, she had seen what could happen to her. New York wasn't the safest city in the world.

"The fucking FBI." The voice behind the door answered, only creasing a smile on Trish's face. After placing her thumb and unlocking the door, she opened it and her mouth gaped at the sight in front of her.

The one and only Jessica Jones stood there, on a blue and black plaid, her usual tight black jeans and combat boots. Topping all of the look with her signature leather jacket. That smile. The one she had missed for so long made her entire outfit look even better. "Aren't you gonna say hi?" She asked, raising her arms enough for Trish to just hug her.

And she did. She left the doorframe of her apartment and buried herself into the safety of Jessica's arms, burying her face into her messy locks of black, enjoying the sudden contact with her skin. Her arms tightly locked around Jessica's torso, not letting from their grip at any point. Jessica's arms locked around her waist and the strength she used only assured Trish she wasn't going anywhere. Not for the time being at least.

A whole sense of completeness filled her entirely. This is what she had needed for so long and it was finally back. Jessica was finally back between her arms and this time, she was going to put up a hell of a fight not to let her go. Because she was everything she had needed before she even knew she'd need someone to survive.

Jessica was safety. Jessica was home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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