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"Hey sexy." 

"Hey yourself, gorgeous," smiled Harry as he bent down to give Eshelle a swift kiss on the lips. 

"What are we going to be doing today?" Eshelle looked up and asked Harry with a smile on her face. 

"You mean apart from having sex? I think we're going ice skating or something," replied Harry with a cocky smile playing on his lips.

"Woah woah woah!" she exclaimed with a small laugh. "Get off your high horse mister."

"How about I get off my high horse and you mount on mine?" 

Eshelle rolled her eyes and tried her best to not let her smile show. After the girls' day over at the heartthrobs' house, Eshelle and Harry had decided to step up from their frequent make out sessions. Think of it as a hook up, but not quite. They both hadn't decided on being exclusive, being their slutty selves. 

"Esh?" Sabreena's voice interrupted Eshelle's train of thoughts. 

"What's up?" 

"Hey cuuuurly wuuurly," drawled out Sabreena, throwing a lazy look at Harry.


"Shut the fuck up."

"Make me."

"Have some shame you son of a bitch. Your hook up is right here."

"You mean yourself? I can work with a threesome."

"CUT IT OUT YOU ASSHOLES!" screamed Eshelle.

"Ew, I'd rather eat shit," chimed Sabreena.


"Fuck off Styles, your level of disgusting way beyond mine," laughed Sabreena and high fived him. 

Harry threw a quick grin at Sabreena before turning back to his hook up. "You were saying?" 

Eshelle just glared at him and turned to look at Sabreena instead. "Get dressed, we're going ice skating or somet- don't give me that look, it was Louis' idea."

"Doncaaaaaaaaster, why you gotta be soo meaaaaan!" screamed out Sabreena, getting up to change into something presentable nevertheless. 

"It's weird seeing Sabby being remotely nice to someone apart from us," said Eshelle. 

Harry gave out a throaty laugh. "If that's what you call being nice, I can only imagine what she's like to you guys."

Rolling her eyes, Eshelle smacked him on the head. "Compared to what she's like with Zayn, she's extremely nice to you."

Harry laughed at what she said before pulling her down onto her lap and kissing the life out of her. 'This girl sure is something else' Harry thought to himself, smiling into the kiss. He wasn't sure where this was leading to, but for now he was content with it. 


"Fuck!" Sabby wailed as her legs gave up from under her and she fell flat on her ass. 

All the kids around her looked at her with wide eyes and she just stuck her tongue out at them. She really couldn't care less. 'Its a free world right?' she would always say whenever someone smacked her in the head for cussing.

A hand came out to help her up and as soon as she was about to tug on it, she looked at the owner's face and pulled her hand back. 'No way in hell am I taking help from you' she mentally shook her head. 

Watching this, Zayn shook his head at her immaturity and tugged on her hand with firm grip. He pulled her up in to a standing position and she smacked right into his chest. He looked down at her and saw her scowling at him.  

Zayn let out a long sigh. "Can you for once not be immature?" 


He looked at her with wide eyes, confused as to why she had agreed to him this easily. 'There must definitely be a catch to this' he said to himself, amused. "Wanna take a skating walk thing around the rink?" 

"Sure. Except, I CAN'T FUCKING SKATE!" she screamed and pushed him away with all her might, which was a lot. In any other circumstance, she would peer over him and give him an evil laugh. But right now, she wasn't exactly in the position to laugh. Cause one, Zayn was laughing at her endlessly. Two, she was lying flat on the ice. Again. 

Annoyed at the brown eyed boys antics, she got up on her own and skated away from him, leaving him behind. She thought about how well their undercover operation was going so far. The boys hadn't let on any suspicious behaviour yet, neither were any of them sporting any bruises or anything of that sort. Bruises were not the first thing to check when identifying drug dealers, but Sabreena thought they were one of the main things. Stupid, but then again, wasn't that all what Sabreena was? 

"So, what do you do for a living?" she heard Zayn call out to her and waited until he joined her. She might as well be nice, the nicer she is the sooner their operation is done with. 

"Not that it's any of your business," she looked at him with a trace of a smile on her face. "I'm a consultant kinda thing. I don't really know how to describe it."

"Sounds real interesting," replied Zayn, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"What do you do other than you know, making girls swoon over you?" 

As soon as that question flew out of her mouth, Zayn halted. He stared at the layer of ice beneath him like nothing could interest him more than a flat surface of frozen water. He clenched his jaw and then quickly looked up at Sabreena, as though suddenly realising that she's there with him too. He smiled at her tightly and replied. "I'm only a singer, the girls swooning over me is just a plus point."

"Oh please, you totally love it when they scream your name in their squeaky little voices."

"Oh yeah they do," Zayn smirked, knowing his next sentence was going to annoy her. "Especially when I go down on them."

Sabreena let out a short laugh and pushed him away. She could've added something dirty to what he said, but she didn't want him to get that free with her just yet. After all, she was just as dirty minded. Perhaps, even more. 

"So, what are you?"

"Aaaaa," Sabreena drawled out, not knowing what he meant or where he was going with this. "A homosapien?"

"Moaner or screamer?"

Sabreena mentally rolled her eyes. Dirty must be his middle name, she thought. But then again, who was she to judge? She would be dirty too, if it were anyone else she was having this conversation with. 

Sabreena put on a flirtatious smile and spoke in a low sultry voice. "Why don't you find out for yourself," she sped off with a wink. 

Thank the Gods for not tripping or falling, thought Sabreena. Or the effect of whatever she said wouldn't have been the same. She turned around to look at the Pakistani boy and saw him looking at her with a flirty glint in his eyes. 

"Only if you can, bitch," she screamed with a wink, followed by a mischievous smile. 

'Oh I will,' Zayn said to himself. Sabreena had just unintentionally challenged him. Little did she know, Zayn was never one to back down. 

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