Flashbacks and Small talks?

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She was standing there in front of me. Dressed in the most beautiful black dress hanging perfectly on her body. I look at it and memories of the time when we were shopping together came into my mind.

Flashback :

"Does this suit on me?", She asked putting the dress on her and twirling around. It was a light black dress.

"Everything suits on you", I cheekily smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious, Luke", She said and laughed. Her laugh echoed through the store and a couple of people turned and smiled towards us.

"HI serious", I said and she threw the hanger at me. I laugh as I dodge the attack.

"I cant believe I'm going to get married to your lame ass", She smirked.

"Better believe it sweetheart. It's more than real", I said as I get up and nuzzle my head in her shoulder.

"As much as I want to cuddle with you awkwardly in the middle of the store, I really have to go and change", She said and started to go inside the trail room but waited and looked at me for a second.

"Yes. You look beautiful", I had whispered. But she smiled like she heard me.

Flashback ends

'Luke?", Someone nudged me. Everything became blur for a second before I looked at Adeline once again. She snapped her head making her earrings move. Everything was happening in slow motion.

I felt Catherine nudging me but I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had a small smile on her face, she was clearly trying to hide her surprise of seeing me.

Atleast I hope so.

"Yeah?", I snapped and looked at Catherine.

"You totally zoned out for a second", Catherine gave a small laugh.

"I did. I'm sorry", I scratched the back of my head and gave a light chuckle.

"It's such a surprise to see you here, Cath", The guy besides Adeline smiled. He was dressed in formals and was smart enough to pass for a model. No wonder they are on a date together.

"And who might you be?", I asked. I would've bet Adeline had scoffed but it was so light that it was almost inaudible.

"My bad. I should introduce you guys. Luke, meet my school friend Marcus Jenn. He currently works as a brand ambassador in Color Plus", Catherine said.

"Nice to meet you", He smirked and put his hand forth to shake and I accepted while nodding a little.

From the corner of my eye, I see her nervously tapping on her iPhone cover. Is she nervous? Why isn't she saying anything? Is she doing this because she is bored?

"You've been zoning out awful lot of times, Luke", Catherine smiled and said.

"I'm really sorry. It's just it's getting late and all..", I rambled and Adeline let a quite light chuckle. I felt my heart racing. Say something, please.

"I was just asking if you would mind me going and meeting a couple of my friends who are over here", Catherine smiled.

"No I don't mind at all", I said and then realised what I've gotten myself into.

Awkward silence with Adeline parker.

I looked around and put my hands in my pockets while trying to look everywhere but at her.

"You are so antisocial", She gave a small laugh. Even though what she said wasn't exactly the thing you say to a person you've met after a million days, I was so glad to hear her voice. I was taken aback buy regaining my posture I said.

"Like I've said a million times, I'm not antisocial--", I gave a small smile and continued.

"You just don't like humans", She completed and nodded.

"We still complete each other's...", I involutarily blutter.

"Sandwiches?", She said and we laughed. "Did you even get the reference or are you just laughing along"

"Excuse me. When you live with a daughter who sees Frozen every second day and twice, you know all the references", I said and we both laughed. "She calls me olaf sometimes and she calls Calum sven"

"How is she?", Adeline asked. She had a genuinely motherly smile on her face.

"She is very fine", I smiled. "She'd really like if you--"

"Luke no don't---", Adeline pursed her lips.

"I'm not trying to persuade you into--", I defend myself.

"I'm still not very--", She continued as I step closer to her.

"I understand but she needs--", I wanted to say.

"No you don't understand Luke", she said and I stopped. "You wouldn't ask me to come if you understood"

"Right. Take your time. I'm sorry", I take a gulp and stand two steps away from her.

"Thank you", She smiled. And it was the most beautiful thing in the world. It was and always will be.

"Take your time", I said. I couldn't believe I was saying this. No, Adeline, you've taken enough time. Come back. Come back as a mother to Adelaide. Come back as a wife to me. As a member of our little family. Come back please.

"Please come back", I whispered. And she smiled like she heard me.


I'm sorry I took so much time to update. This chapter took a lot of time to write.

I'll be updating regularly from now on! Pinky Swear!

Luke is adorable lidul father. I witness  THE PARENT LUKE SO BAD. This is giving me heartaches.

Anyway!  How did you like this chapter?


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