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Lunch was over the time Kate got to meet Jensen and Jared. Tony had gone to the bathroom wherever that was, this place was massive, when the two men had come over and introduced themselves. Not that they needed to, Kate already knew who they where....again that sounded stalkery.

"Hey you're the contest winner" Jared said

"That'd be me" Kate chuckled. She knew Jared and Jen where well above 6'feet but damn in real life they were tall.

"So how's it feel?" Jensen asked with a grin

"Pretty good" she nodded in confirmation.

"Just pretty good?" Jared smiled

"I'm hurt" Jensen put a hand mockingly over his check to convey his 'emotional pain'

"Oh, I bet" Kate chuckled and then the two men joined in but before they could start wiping tears away Tony had come back from the bathroom.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Tony" they said in union. Jesus they really where brothers.

"Mind if I steal her for a sec? I'm gonna introduce her to Erick and Robert" he said putting both of his hands on each side of Kate's arms.

"Be our guests" Jared said.

Before Tony and Kate walked away she heard Jensen say to Jared "I like her dude, she'd got the sense of humour you've never had" then Jared punched him in the arm. Heh dorks.


Meeting Eric and Robert was pretty cool. They discussed if Kate was going to be in any episodes or not and eventually they said she could be in 13x02 and she almost cried. This was literally a dream come true.

Tony had to leave soon after because he had to go and help Rich and Rob with Kings Of Cons for like an hour but he promised to be right back.
Kate was sitting by herself when Misha came up to her again.

"Hey stranger" he smiled

"Hey" Kate smile was wide and big.

"So.." Misha took a seat next to her "Did Tony manage to show you the whole set? It is pretty big so I'd be surprise if he didn't miss anything"

"Uh, no I don't think did show me everything" she chuckled

"Well" The man stood up and offered his hand "Would you care for the grand tour?"

She couldn't believe this was happening. She couldn't believe a lot of things that where happening but she still took his hand.


The time literally flew by and Kate still couldn't fathom that any of this was real. Her and Misha talked and talked and laughed so hard that they could barely breathe. Soon it was already 5:59pm and Kate was getting tired. So tired in fact that she started to yawn.

"You tired over there?" Misha asked

She was but Kate didn't want any of this to end. She was having the time of her life being here with Misha so she shook her head.
But then she just had to yawn again. The only up side was that it got Misha to laugh again.

"Come on I'll give you a lift to your hotel"

"Oh no you really don't have to" she shook her head "I can just call up Tony and have him take me, I'm sure you're still needed on set"
"Nah I've done all my scenes today, and I insist" Misha said raising his eyebrows.
"Okay if you insist" Kate sighed but smiled slightly.


The drive back to the hotel was surprisingly comfortable. Kate had thought that maybe it would have been awkward since Misha barely knew her but it wasn't. They talk about lots. What music they were into, what kind of books they read, what their favourite food was. She even ended up telling him that she wanted to be an artist
"That's so cool!" Misha said

"I guess" she shrugged

"I wish I had an artistic side" he said casting a glance towards Kate from the drivers seat.

"Even if you don't, the amount of things you've done for people and how you've help millions, how you've literally changed the world is way more amazing" Crap she didn't mean to say all of that.

He just looked at her for a while and then turned back to the road "thanks Kate" but all Kate could do was nod.

"Well, here we are" Misha shifted his car into park and then got out and opened the door for Kate. Lots of people have been doing, huh, people must be really polite in Canada.

He walked her all the way up to her door.
"So..." he trailed off

"So..." she couldn't help but unconsciously fiddle with her hands. If this got anymore awkward she might just kick herself.

"Hey are..." he scratched the back of his neck. Was he nervous? Why was he nervous? "Are you free by any chance on Friday...this Friday I mean"

"Um yes I am, why?"

"Well I was a wondering if you'd like to..goonadatewithme" he mumbled the last part so fast she couldn't catch what he had said.
"I'm sorry could you repeat that please? I didn't quite catch it"

He took a deep breath in "Would you like to go out on Friday..With me..maybe?"

"As in a date?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yeah? I'm mean if you want"
Okay that did not really happen right?
Misha Collins had asked her out...on a date. She must have died and gone to heaven because oh my lord she's going a date with Misha Collins!!

"Yes!-yes I would love to" she smiled

"Great! I mean yeah that's uh, that's great I'll pick you up here at um...7:30pm?"

"Yes that'd be amazing"

"Well uh good night Kate" he smiled

"Good night Misha"

And then he left. And she went inside but she couldn't sleep, not after all the events that had happened today. So she did the only thing she alway does when she can't sleep, she called Avery.

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