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Today is Friday and I was talking to my friend Sophia and she knows something none of my friends know.....that I'm bi and I was talking to her about how I had a crush on my friend Gwen and my friend Nora walked up and we stopped talking and she was like "your talking about me" I was like "No we were talking about how I'm bi" she hugged me and told me she's so happy for me then we were talking about it and she was like so who do you like I was like Gwen and she was like oh my god then Gwen came over and the 3 of us stopped talking about it and she was like your talking about me and I told her everything except the part about me liking her and she was like I'm so happy for you then the class was over and we were going to lunch and Jullians class went after ours and he was the first person and I was the last so we were talking and Gwen whispered in my ear I like Jullian I freaked I was like my Jullian she was like yeah then we were all going down stairs and for the first time ever Jullian sat with us at lunch and it was fun but I was careful the way I ate because I'm a messy eater and then this girl Hermione walked by and I'm very jealous of her for reasons I can't explain and my hands went to fists and Jullian seen and put his hand on my hand and I opened it and we were holding hands then we went to the gym and Jullian sat with me and his friend sat with us and said he was checking some girl out and Gwen yelled at him and said "JULLIAN IS IN LOVE WITH VANESSA" and I'm so confused like I like her and I love Jullian and she likes Jullian but at the end of the day I had Jullians sweater on and I told her to smell it and she said if I do I will steal it that mad me mad

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while but follow Sophia sophiawhite700 and Gwen corralyne and Nora loveprincess1723

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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