13 days

42 2 0

The ride home was quick. The rest of the night was pretty boring. I didn't really feel like doing anything. I was emotionally stressed and just needed a relaxing night. The only thing that would make it better is louis. We texted for a little until my head ache got so bad that i finally told him I was going to go take a shower.

'Alright. Hope you feel better. I'll come check on you tomorrow. Night, love. Sleep tight -Boo'

I grinned at the love.

'K. Thanks boo. Sleep well. And don't let the bed bugs bite. -Hazza'

I walked up the stairs slowly. My head was spinning. I felt like I was going to pass out. My stomach was doing flips just walking up the stairs. My knees were shaking. There was no way I was going to make it all the way up without falling back down so I just took a seat on the floor. My head was still spinning but being lower to the floor made me feel a little better.

I crawled my way to the bathroom, but my insides spoke differently. I got up and ran to the bathroom emptying my stomach into the toilet. The taste burned my tongue and my throat. Just the smell of it lit my nose on fire.

"Fucking god." I wiped my sleeve across my mouth. I lifted my self off the floor and over to the bathtub. The warm water felt good on my fingertips. I knew I was stressed but I've never thrown up over stress before. I hope I wasn't catching. A quick bath gave me enough energy to take some pills and get into bed. I felt super cold but I could tell I had a fever by the sweat dripping down my forehead. After 30 minutes of moaning and flipping over on my back, I got to sleep.

"Hazz?" I heard a whisper by my ear. A cold hand touched my burning face. Great I still felt like shit. I groaned. "Harry. You're burning up."

"You're cold, lou." I crackled. My throat was dry and still sore from last night.

"Oop. Sorry. Are you sick?" He removed his hand quickly and kneeled down beside me. His face close to mine. I wanted to lean forward. What the hell was I thinking? yThe sickness got the best of me.

"No it feels good. Is your whole body like that?" I murmured, ignoring his question. It was a stupid question that I'm pretty sure he could answer on his own.

"Um... I don't know. I think so?" He stuttered. I didn't mean to be rude but I just wanted to feel better. It felt like my stomach acid was rotting away my insides.

"Lou. Do you love me?" I asked quickly. I managed to open my eyes. His gray eyes got huge and he turned to look at me. "Not like that. I mean like as best friends. Hell I don't care. Please get undressed and come lay with me in bed."

He sighed and smiled. Ouch. He took off his shirt revealing his toned and tan chest. I had to watch him. He was so interesting. He unbuckled his belt and slid off his pants. Briefs. Hmmm nice choice.

"Stop staring. It's making me feel uncomfortable." He laughed seriously. I sighed and shut my eyes. I felt his cool body climb in next to me. I snuggled into him. His arms wrapped protectively around my waist. "Geez. Hazza. You're like burning up. You're so hot."

I chuckled at him. "I try." I felt him tense underneath my body.

"Not like that you retard. On your hospital bed and still making jokes." He laughed along with me.

"My hands are cold." I whined. My feet and hands were freezing while the rest of my body was so hot. He grabbed onto my hands lightly and pressed them to his stomach. He was so warm by his lower region. "Thank you." I whispered.

I closed my eyes again. The heaviness and ache of my body starts to leave. A heavy conscious starts to fall over my head, clouding any sense that left my brain.

"Um... Harry?" Lou whispered when I think I was pretty much asleep. I still heard but didn't want to register it until he did it again. "Harry." I opened my eyes. The pain and ache returned.

"What?" I said sleepily.

"Can you take your hands out of my pants, please?" I snapped into reality. I don't even remember putting my hands near down there but they were. Not wrapped around him but near him.

"Sorry." A dark blush crept onto my face. I felt so stupid when I am around him. He creeps into my every thought and makes it so I can't think straight. I may even have a slight crush on him. I'm not afraid to admit it but I'm afraid to act on it. Our friendship is worth so much more.

A slight tug on my curls made me moan. I shut my mouth quickly and looked up to see a very amused looking louis.

"Does that feel good, harry?" He laughed.

I nodded. He wrapped his finger in my hair again and tugged lightly. I grunted. I felt a tingly feeling in my stomach. I cant do this now. I was still sick and felt like crap.


"I'm sorry, Hazz. You're sick. I'll let you sleep." He smiled. Even though I was kind of disappointed I'm glad he stopped.

The day went on. Lou made me call my mum and tell her I was sick. She wanted to call a doctor but I told her that I was fine. Just a small bug was my words to be exact. The day was fun though. Boo and I just sat on the couch or in my bed and watched .movies, not to mention the endless chicken noodle soup.

"Harry. I should probably get home." He frowned. I mimicked him.

"No." I whined, "can't you stay the night?"

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "I-"

"I can't sleep without you."

"I was going to say that I guess I can before you rudely interrupted me." He gave me a laugh and pressed his lips to my temple making me blush. He pulled out and texted what I'm guessing was his mother. "She said yes." He grinned a couple moments later.

I snuggled into him, my head was in the crook of his neck. My fingers intertwined with his. This is how it should be. Forever.

But it can only be like this for 13 more days.

Summer Love (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now