The Meeting

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August 9, 1994 Santa Barbra with Jolenia Landers

I was taken in to the SBPD for shoplifting a pairing sunglasses. Detective Spencer sat me down to get paperwork from somewhere. "Hey there. What are you in for?" A dude with brown hair said. "Borrowing sunglasses. What about you?" I replied. "Borrowing a car. I'm Shawn." "Jolenia." "Ms. Landers come with me."

July 12, 2006 with Shawn Spencer

I came into the SBPD and saw Chief Vick with 3 girls. One looked very familiar. "Mr. Spencer and Mr. Guster. Meet MaKenna Lee, Leanna Mack, and Jolenia Landers from the S.F.P.D. Girls This is Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster. Spencer, these girls will help you on the case we got. Girls, Shawn is our psychic detective." Vick said and the girls nodded. Jolenia. She seemed oddly familiar.

Me and Gus went back to psych and Gus was looking up stuff about these Girls. "Shawn. Jolenia's parents died in a car crash three days after she was arrested." "What did she get arrested for?" I asked. "Shoplifting sunglasses. It was the same day you were arrested. August 9, 1994. After that she cleaned up her rap. Moved to San Franisco to a foster home with MaKenna and Leanna." "Oh my god Gus I meet Jolenia." I exclaimed.

With Jolenia

Me and the girls were in our old house. "Guys. I met Shawn in the SBPD the three days before my parents died. My sweet Lord." I sighed

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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