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I lay happily on Van's chest, watching the clouds pass by over head. Van had his arms around me, fiddling with my pair of dog tags that hung around my neck. My mum dug them out from the house the other day, after I had lost them quite some years ago. Van tugged and pulled them silently, as I relaxed in his arms.

We had promised to take it easy, not to rush into anything, to make this work.

In the distance, I watched the lads play football, wondering why Van wasn't joining them.

"Yo Van, Isabelle, come over here!" Larry said, waving us over.

"Looks like duty calls," Van said with a chuckle, helping me up as we walked over to the noisier gang in the park.

"Teams serrrrnnnssss," Benji shouted, before moving to stand next to Bondy on the field. Bob followed them, and then Larry turned to us saying, "Well I'm stuck with youse two."

"Two mid-fielders and one goalie slash defender," Van said, moving to stand near the middle of the pitch, whilst I chose defender. I wasn't really into football, and decided to leave the shooting stuff to Van and Larry.

"Flip a coin then, lid," Bondy said to Benji. I didn't know exactly what was going on, but I assumed they were figuring out who was going first.

I eyed Bob from the other side of the pitch. He smiled competitively at me, and I grinned back as our team went first. Van kicked it off and the game began. He dribbled it forwards, before passing it to Larry who attempted to shoot but Bondy tackled him precisely, laughing as he passed off to Benji who was coming right for me. I backed up into the goal as he took a shot. I stuck my foot out and sent the ball back to Larry who took it from there. Bob gave an impressed smile as he caught Van's shot, and then it was my turn to be impressed.

When I turned back I saw Benji attempting to shoot with Van tackling him relentlessly, and Larry was trying to run over to mark Bondy. When Benji took the shot, he booted it hard, but was also trying to get away from Van, which sent the hurtling ball right for my head.

The force knocked me over and I sat on the grass, feeling the numbed skin on the left side of my facelift my fingers. It stung like hell.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry," Benji said, running with Van on his heels, Larry and Bondy behind me, and I could see Bob making his way over too.

"Ah," I said, touching my cheek that was already starting to swell.

"I'm so so sorry," Benji said, crouching down next to me. Van had also knelt down and he was gently running his hand over my face, and I tried my hardest not to flinch.

"It's okay, it was an accident," I said whilst trying not to flinch at Van's touch.

"I think that's enough football," Bob said, helping Van help me up. I nodded with a chuckle, glad that the pain had subsided a little.

"Want to go home?" Van asked me as we strolled down the path that lead to the exit of the park, behind the other lads, arm in arm.

"By home, do you mean my home, or your home?" I asked him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Which ever you want love," Van said, moving his arm so that it was around my waist. I felt so safe in his arms.

"Well, I've got work tomorrow, but I'd like to go to yours first," I said, before grumbling about work.

"Why don't you go and get a job that you like?" Van said, laughing.

"It's not as easy as that. As much as I'd like to be gigging like you lads, I've got no one to make a band with, and I'm guessing you don't need a third guitarist," I said, smiling at him.

"Come on tour with us," Van said, smiling back.

"What tour?" I said, laughing at the fact that they didn't have a tour yet.

"The one we will have when we get signed," Van said. He had a lot of faith.

"How's that going by the way?" I asked him seeing as they've been trying to get a deal recently.

"Not that great, but I'm still hopeful," he said, a spark in his eyes. I was glad that that'd returned. The brightness that made his eyes shine. He looked happier than he did a few weeks ago, and I was glad for that.

"Van lid, you're always hopeful," Bondy said hitting Van's head.

"Well I think it's a good thing," Bob said quietly. I gave him a little smile, and agreed with him, before letting the lads fall into conversation.

I was happier than I had been in a long time, if you ignore my job. But I was still so wary of Van, in the worst way. I just didn't know if I could trust him anymore. But I was willing to try.

"You alright love?" He asked, nudging my side.

"Yeah, just thinking." I nudged him back.

"'Bout what?" Nudge.

"You." Nudge.

But then Van didn't nudge me back. In fact he stopped moving altogether. It was so sudden that I had to walk back a few paces to be next to him.

"Alright?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Just in love," he said, with the sweetest smile I have ever seen. He looked like a puppy that had been given a huge treat with the promise of more.

"Oh stop, the lads are laughing at us," I giggled, watching as Larry shouted, "Van you soppy git."

"I'd do anything, you know," he said as we started walking again, arm in arm, our hands in pockets.

"What?" I asked. I genuinely didn't know what he meant. Maybe he was talking about gigging. My heart sunk.

"I'd be up for anything thing if it means that we get through," he said, placing a kiss on my lips. I felt his smirk against my smile as my cheeks started to burn.

"That's so sweet, Van," I whispered as we reached the end of the pathway and back onto the main road.

"I do try," he said, striking a pose I can't even describe with words. I burst into hysterical laughter, clutching at my stomach, his laughter erupting around me.

"I love you, Van," I said once I had calmed down.

"Love you too, Is. I really do."


So, it's been a really fucking long time. Sorry about that. Life and stuff got in the way, and I was pretty uninspired to write. But then I saw CATFISH AND THE FUCKING BOTTLEMEN ON MONDAY and I was inspired :) This chapter, especially near he end, was particularly inspired by the new song 'Anything' that the lads played and the lyrics are up on website if you fancy a read. Anyway I'm back and hopefully will start writing more regularly if the ideas start flowing again. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this filler chapter,
Isa x

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