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When I was 4 my parents informed me that I was moving away from  , to me the only place I would ever call home. Of course at that age I didn't really care about changing my whole lifestyle and adapting to a new environment , in all honesty I was actually excited.

At the age of 7 my mom left my dad and took me and my siblings with her. I didn't understand what was happening all I could understand was that mommy and daddy weren't happy with each other.

Then when I was 9 my parents had officially filed and finalized their divorce and it was at that point , that I knew that things wouldn't be the same.

Moving from ardor to Miami was a big change , I had moved away from everything I was accustomed too I didn't have my friends and I didn't have my family.

I remember my mom being stressed having to move her job and having to explain to me and my siblings that things around the household were going to change.


Present day
The last year of my high school career would be some of the most stressful days of my life, I needed to get into Columbia and i'm not trying to escape from my family -I love my family but ,I just want a fresh start , a new life that I lead for myself. I want to live on my own and make my own mistakes and i dont think my mother or anyone in my life understands that at the moment ,all my life I felt like I've been stuck in the same routine school & work , school & work and i dont want it to be that way anymore.

I scoff as my alarm blares through the phone of my speaker thinking about all the unwanted people i'm going to see today. I mean i'm not a pessimistic bitch but I honestly hate school so much.

Walking to my bathroom i grab my toothbrush immediately knowing my morning breath would melt anyone's face off.

If anyone knew me I was not a morning to person , I always tell my mom I believe I was born for the night ,even though I was born at exactly 12:00 a.m which she's considers morning but I don't, if there's not one pinch of sun or shine I don't consider it morning .

After cleaning the dirt from my teeth I walk out of the bathroom and walk straight to my closet , knowing today is going to be a small piece of hell i decide to simply get my black ck crew neck , grey leggings , and black uggs and prepare for my day.


a.u. ok so i've honestly been writing this chapter for months now and it's still not how i want it but i want to kickstart this book of so yeah - mara

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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