Chapter 2

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Aubrey's Point of Veiw

As I smile into his cute face, he smile's back at me. Kaitlyn taps me on the shoulder and says, " you don't need to be messing with him all he does is start trouble, I swear stay away Aubrey."

I start doing sketches on my notebook and I start to draw sketches of hearts with Kyle's name in it, the teacher comes over to my desk and ask's whats my name, I tell her Aubrey Dodson.

Kyle looks back at me and winks, and flips his blonde sexy hair. The teacher, says well I reckon you don't need to be drawing about anyone especially senice you are new and you need to learn as much as you can in the first day. I say, "Yes ma'am I am sorry."

*ding* English is over now.

I go out to my locker, which is like a 200 feet walk, ok maybe a exaggeration.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up at him, its Kyle. I smile at him why I look in to his Brown eyes.

He says, " you look lost"

"Maybe a little lost," I reply

He looks at my schedule, and as soon as he looks at it Kaitlyn come's over and says, "you need to keep you're ass away from Aubrey!"

"Woah woah what do you mean Kaitlyn i'm just trying to help her," he says defending his self.

"Well you know what you do and you don't need to drag Aubrey in to it," Kaitlyn replys.

Kaitlyn goes to the restroom, and I stay here and talk to Kyle.

He hands me his number, and he gets a text saying "you need to meet behind the school tonight, around 8 we are gonna do street art"

He looks at it and smiles.

I get out my new iphone 6, and add him as a contact, Kyle with a heart emoji.


School is ended and my mom is out front with the car to pick me up. I get in the car and look at my phone and have a text from Kyle, it says "Hey pretty girl its Kyle."

"How was you're day sweetie," my mom asks. You make any new friends, meet any boys?

"Ok mom just no, it was good and its hard to keep up in class they talk so fast!"

"Well, you just may have to write faster."

"Yes I will probaly have to write faster because I only got half of the notes, and there's a test Friday!"

Its quiet the rest of the ride home because we are just listing to the radio, country because that's my favorite type of music, besides pop.

I get another text from Kyle it says, "Hey I think we should hang out sometime, that would be really fun!"

I text him as we arrive home and my mom tells me "get in and do you're homework then you have to unpack you're bedroom."

I reply back, Hey sorry i'm replying so late I had to unpack some boxes, I would love to hang out sometime after school!

He replys back 2 minutes later, "ok that would be wonderful!"

Me and my mom go to the city to go find some food because we don't have everything set up, we happen to drive by the school and see some people vandalizing the school.

"Mom look at that!"

"Oh my goodness I hope who ever does this shit learns how not to vandalize and gets some time in jail."

"Yes they better serve some time."

***The next morning***

I wake up at 7:04 because that's when my mom wakes me up, school starting at 8:00.

I get dressed and flat iron my hair, because I slept with it in a braid because I got lazy. Looking at my Blonde hair and blue eyes, I am not pretty why is Kyle saying that i'm so pretty. Only if he seen me in the mornings he would be terrified.

I walk up to Kyle's locker where he is standing talking to some scary guys, well they look scary.

He finally notices me, and says "Oh hey! You look beautiful today!"

I happen to look at his arm and notice a big ole black and purple bruise, looks bout like a tennis ball size.

"Uh what happen to you're arm, that's a big damn bruise!" I say

I can tell that he's looking at that scary boy and looking worried, he says "Uh uh...I just hit it on a brick wall because I got so dang angry at my mom"

"Ok, well don't hit it on the brick wall agian, I like you're skin tan not purple" I say patting his shoulder.

As I start to walk away, Kaitlyn asks me "what was he telling you"

"I just asked him what happen to that big bruise on his hand, thats huge!" I say

"And what did he tell you?"

"He told me he punched a brick wall because he got mad at his mom," I say

Kaitlyn just walks away.

Kyle catches up with me and invites me to come to the beach with him tomorrow, (aka Saturday)

He says, I will promise I will be shirtless and you must promise to be in a bikini and without you're mom"

"Ok, I can promise the bikini but not the mom thing, what if she finds out that i'm with a boy she won't let me come!"

"Well, just tell her Kaitlyn is gonna be there she has to believe you!"

"Ok, fine I will tell her that only if you will promise to stop punching brick walls!" I tell him

Ok Ok, I won't punch anymore brick walls!


I head home after school. He texts me, Hey girl, I really like how you look and how you're personality is, you are a really sexy, and I would love us to date some time if that is ok with you.

I look at my phone thinking about what to reply

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