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Hi! I'm Oceana Johnson, I'm 14 years old and I live with my grandma since I was three. My parents died while protecting me from a DRAGON. I'm a tomboy, I have no friends (if you feel I am unhappy about this think again pal) I spend most of my time painting the world, grandma says i got it from my mom who was an artist.
Omg, I almost forgot to tell you about my epic journey into the woods of Evaline (she was a fairy who was gifted with the three elements: air, water and earth) to bump into a water dragon named Alexander who apparently became my best friend (shocker😲.) His scales are like ocean blue that glistens in the scorching sunlight. In this story I'm anout to tell you is based on my epic journey to find Alexander and the rest of my boooorrrriiiinnnggg life ugh. Let the story BEGIN!!!!

Hey guys I deleted "My Imaginary Crush" because it was getting boring. Ok, please comment on the story I'm about to write and share your ideas. Bye

My Best Friend A Dragon (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now