1; That Trenchcoat Weirdo...

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Dean sighed as his brother asked to drive once again.

"No, Sammy. I'm older, and dad told me to drive you to school, so I'M driving. And plus, you're too YOUNG!" he slammed the door once he had sat in the Impala. The beauty was going to be all his in just two more years, and Dean just couldn't wait for the moment to come.

Sam groaned and got into the car with his brother. He hated the fact that Dean was 17 and he was 14, so he had to have his brother take him everywhere if it involved having to take the car.

Dean turned the knob and the volume increased in the Impala's speakers. 'Carry On Wayward Son' came on, and Dean began knocking his thumbs and hands in the steering wheel, singing along with the song. This always annoyed Sam, and he always turned the music down, which annoyed Dean. Every morning would consist of them getting into the car, and fighting over the music on the drive to the school.

"Dean, believe it or not, your music DOES get annoying after a while, listening to the same songs over and OVER!" Sam complained as they pulled up to the school.

"Hey, Kansas is a CLASSIC. Learn some good music, Sam," Dean countered.

"Come on, let's just get to class," Sam sighed, and they grabbed their backpacks and began walking up to the school entrance.

The morning had been started with a misty, light rain, leaving a bit of a chill in the air and a fog around the school. Dean loved this weather, and Sam didn't mind it that much, but he preferred the sun to it much more than the clouds.

There were multiple groups of kids near the doors of the school, hanging out together before the bell for class to start rang. There was one kid who was completely alone, and seemed to be the source of all the attention.

As Dean and Sam kept walking closer to the school, passing by the groups of kids, they caught snippets of conversations.

"See that kid?"
"In the trenchcoat?"
"Look how blue his eyes are oh my god!"
"Heard he's gay,"
"What a fag,"
"Don't talk about him like that, he looks sweet,"
"Whatever, he looks like a loser. Who wears those trenchcoat pieces of shit anymore? It's stupid!"

Dean's eyes opened a little wider after hearing all those conversations. He couldn't believe these people were talking about the new kid, who they probably knew nothing about, like this.

Dean noticed that everyone was keeping their distance from the kid. He felt bad, honestly.

"Hey, Dean," Sam said, interrupting Dean's thoughts. "Who's the kid?"

"Dunno," Dean shrugged. "Looks lonely, though,"

"Should we talk to him? I mean maybe if we hung out, everyone would-"

"Hey, Dean!" A giggly voice interrupted Sam. It was Maggie Paulsen, Dean's on-and-off girlfriend for the past year now. She was followed by her two best friends, aka slaves, Felcia Hamilton and Alissa Yates. Maggie pulled him down to her height and kissed him. Right now Dean and Maggie were on, but Dean wasn't very interested in her right now. He was too preoccupied thinking about the new kid in the trenchcoat.

Sam hated Maggie with a passion. He didn't really know why besides the annoyingly high voice and bitchy attitude towards him and only him, but something about Maggie and her followers irked him a bit.

"Hey, Maggie," Dean said blankly, still staring at the boy in the trenchcoat.

Maggie pulled on Dean's shirt some more. "Dean," she whined, and Sam rolled his eyes. "Dean, what is up with you?!" She said.

"Look Maggie, not now!" Dean said, his voice raised. He pushed Maggie's hands off of him, and began walking off. Maggie was left awestruck, and Sam smirked.

He went to follow his brother, but not before getting a good one in on Maggie. "Sorry, Mags," he shrugged, using the nickname Maggie had forbidden anyone from using, "looks like he's not interested today. I mean, not exactly lookin' your best..." He gave her a smirk at the end of his sentence. Maggie crossed her arms and gave Sam a sour look. He began to follow Dean, happy to leave Maggie.

"So, what's your plan?" Sam asked once he and Dean were side by side again. They were now only about 10 feet away from the boy, and Dean was leaning against a rail as he thought of how to introduce themselves.

"Well, let's just go up and say hi. If he's awkward and shy, we'll just hang out with him till he opens up!" Dean said. "Then, if he opens up, everyone will kinda like him a bit more! Ya know, because he'll hang out with us and-"

"I know, I know," Sam said.

But the thing was Sam didn't really know. He didn't understand why Dean was so set on helping this kid. He could understand like maybe helping out if he was getting bullied or something, but Dean never really went this far with things.

Dean took a deep breath, shaking his head and readying himself for meeting the kid. "Alright, let's go," he said, and they approached the boy in the trenchcoat.

"Well hey there!" Dean exclaimed once they were face to face with the boy. "I'm Dean and this is my little brother, Sam Winchester," Sam gave a little wave and smile.

"Oh... Hello!" The boy said, his voice very raspy and deep. He seemed a bit surprised these two guys were talking to him. "I'm uh... Castiel. Castiel... Novak," he had hesitated a bit before saying the last name.

"Well, Cas Novak, welcome to North Dale Highschool!" Dean said, gesturing toward the huge building.

People had started to notice Sam and Dean hanging out with the new kid, and soon tons of people were surrounding the three.

Gossip began to spread like wildfire.
"Is that Dean Winchester talking with the new kid?"
"Is Dean gonna beat the new guy up?"
"No, the jacket and backpack would've been thrown to the ground by now!"
"I WISH he would take that jacket off, I mean Jesus Christ is he gorgeous. That tight shirt is just..."
"Oh my god, don't even. But what is he doing talking to this loser?"
"Well maybe he's not a loser if he's talking to Sam and Dean Winchester,"

Dean smiled, hearing some of the conversations around him. Some people were surprised and not welcoming to the new kid at all, while others were thinking about maybe giving him a chance.

Maggie and her followers had joined the group of students, and she saw Dean talking with Castiel. Sam saw Maggie huff and walk off, obviously very pissed off she wasn't getting all the attention.

"Well, Castiel, I think you'll like it here. His stick with me and Sam, and everything will be a breeze," Dean told him, putting his arms around both Cas and Sam and leading them toward the school doors.

"Will things be... Normal?" Castiel asked.

"Well, with me and Sam, not a whole bunch of things are normal..." Dean said. "Trust me,"


~idk what that separator thing is ah. Well, I FINALLY finished chapter one! I had it done, and then wattpad stopped working and it didn't save, so I had to redo ALL of it. Sorry it took so long guys, I'm starting school now as well, so a LITTLE less frequent updates on all stories :,( but I hope you guys like this one :)

FEEDBACK IS A BIT ESSENTIAL FOR THIS STORY BC I WANNA KNOW IF I SHOULD CONTINUE IT OR NOT so please comment and vote and let me know what you think:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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