Chapter One

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The Math Tutor - Chapter One

What is pretty? How do you know if you're pretty? What actually makes a person pretty? I often find myself wondering this as I stare at my reflection while I complete my steps of my morning routine to get ready for school.

I yawn and warily rub my eyes as I scan my room for my hair brush. The first day of school was always exciting, but this year was going to be better. I was finally 16, I would be able to drive myself to school, go to prom, and all of those fun things. Junior year.... the thoughts sent butterflies into my stomach. I would finally be an upperclassmen so no one would look down on me and treat me like they do to the freshmen and sophomores. Nothing was going to get in the way of this school year being perfect.

Brushing through my straight, long, chestnut brown hair I continued to fantasize about how great the school year would be and decided to play some music while I got ready. I hit shuffle and was satisfied when "Three Perfect Days" by Before You Exit began to ring through my room. Kind of geeky of me, but the start of school always gave me a warm feeling. My friends didn't like it, although I don't see why they wouldn't. Everyone in the school wanted to be one of us; in our clique. It sounds selfish, I know, but it was true. We were the close knit group of friends that everyone wanted to be part of. My parents weren't as big of fans of my friends though; they thought they were mean and used us for our money and vacations even though they had plenty of money themselves. I guess you could say that being an only child meant that my parents gave a lot to me, including letting me take four friends to our beach house every spring break and for a week each and every summer. I really hope that isn't the case, but I don't think it is because my friends and I have all been so close since the 6th grade.

"Shit!" I hissed.

I was curling the ends of my hair when I clumsily touched my finger to the hot curling wand by accident. I winced because of the pain but tried to forget about it and just listen and sing a long to the music. I would say that was the one major thing my friends did not know about me; there was a ton of stuff they didn't know, small details that didn't really matter. What they didn't know was my passion for singing.

"I was the one for a minute, two for a second, three days later you told me to forget it. Three perfect Days. There were three perfect days. Thought it was love we were in it, then it was over, now I'm looking for somebody's shoulder to make me feel okay. How could I let her get away in just three days?" I sang.

I then applied light make up which consisted of nude eyeshadow with light gold glitter, black eyeliner, and mascara. I added a little bit of rose blush to my tanned cheeks to give them a bit of color. After doing a full spin in the mirror and double checking my well planned outfit, (A teal mid-thigh skirt, a pink floral tank top with teal flowers and gold accents, a white jean vest, large pearl ear rings, my pink and green links of London bracelet, and nude sandals with a wedge) I applied my lip gloss, slung my tote-bag that I used as my backpack over my shoulder, and headed downstairs.

"Good morning, Charlotte." said my father who sat at the breakfast table reading the newspaper and drinking his usual black coffee.

"Good morning, Dad." I smiled and leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hi, Mom." I said as I walked over to here as she prepared my breakfast plate.

"Hi, sweetie." She smiled, not taking her eyes off of the bacon that she was currently placing onto my plate. She grabbed a strawberry yogurt from the refrigerator and sat it down on the plate that was also holding my bacon and cinnamon toast.

I kindly thanked her and sat down next to my dad and began to eat. I checked my phone for the time, which read, 7:15. I had plenty of time to get to school before it started at eight.

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