Chapter Two

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The Math Tutor - Chapter Two

      "Hey, Char! I love your shoes!" said someone to me in the hallway as I made my way over to the lunch room with Chelsea and Jen. "Thanks!" I smiled at the girl. "Your  hair looks amazing, Char! How did you do it?" asked another girl. "Curling wand! Thanks! And I like your top!" I said to the other girl that complimented my hair. "Looking good, Char." winked a cute senior boy towards me. I smiled and thanked him and continued down the hall way with Jen and Chelsea by my sides.

     "Who was that guy?" they asked at the same time. "He was so hot!" said Chelsea. "Yeah, and he was totally checking you out!" said Jen. I blushed, he was very cute. However, something told me he was one of those charming guys that was actually a huge jerk. I had never had a proper boy friend, to be honest. I had been on a few dates here and there but I had never been "official" with a guy before. "His name was Tyler, I think. I'm not sure, he's definitely a senior though." I said. "Get his number!" encouraged Jen. Chelsea nodded, agreeing with her. "Guys! I can't just ask him! He'll think I'm weird!" I protested. "Whatever." they laughed.

     We took our seats at our usual table. It was by a window, sort of secluded from everyone. The three of us egan to unpack our lunch, I had an Arizona Green Tea and Greek Salad. I couldn't wait to dig in. "Where are the guys?" I asked Chelsea and Jen. "Probably trying to convince the cook to give them extra pizza in the lunch line." joked Jen. "The sad thing is, you're probably right, Jen!" said Chelsea. Moments later, we were joined by Dylan, Jake and Logan. Logan sat down next to Chelsea and kissed her on the cheek. To be honest, they would be a really cute couple if you didn't know how disgusting and rude Logan was. I'm surprised he gets along with Jake and Dylan; he's not like them and they have nothing in common. Chelsea really could do so much better and has done so much better. "Sorry," said Jake as he and the other two boys sat their trays down, "We were convincing the cook to give us some extra pizza." We all started laughing, "CALLED IT!" exclaimed Jen.

     The six of us continued to eat for a few minutes and carry on about our days. Occasionally, someone would slip in a joke about me being Luke's history partner, but I would just pretend I didn't hear it. Of course it was annoying from the start, but their comments were really starting to get old and I was growing more and more tired of it and it was only 5th period. Just when things couldn't get any worse....

       "Speaking of the emo and his gay friends. Why are you over here? You can't sit here." said Dylan. I once again felt embarrassed for my friend's behavior and felt my cheeks begin to turn warm as anger boiled inside of me. "Hey, get lost pretty boy. Luke just came to get Char's number so they can talk about their project. We wouldn't want to sit with you pricks anyways." said the tallest boy with blonde curly hair. He was a senior named Ashton, I believe. He was the only one out of the four not in our grade but I knew his name because he was supposedly well liked in the senior class.

     "Pretty boy?" Dylan scoffed, "I knew you were gay. Char hurry up and give him your number so these losers can leave us alone." Luke handed me his phone and I filled out my contact and handed it back to him. "Thanks, Char. Text you later." he smiled and walked away, his three friends glaring at mine before they turned around and followed him. I didn't say anything to him during that little encounter, I just continued to eat my salad hoping my friends would pretend that didn't just happen.... but of course that would be too good to be true.

     "Dang, I feel sorry for you." sympathized Jen patting me on the shoulder. I just looked at her.

      "What?" Questioned Jen. The rest of the table just watched.

      "Nothing, you guys just didn't have to be so rude to them." I said and shrugged.

       "Why do you care about their feelings and whether we are rude or not?" asked Chelsea curiously.

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