A Tree with a Wish

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  The wind blew through the apple blossom tree. The blooming buds and uniquely colored leaves wiggled in anticipation. "She is coming! She is coming!" They chanted, with such glee and bliss. The girl was a forest elf, but unlike the others she loved and raised this little apple blossom tree from a tiny little seed. "Hello my sweet tree" She spoke in a voice as smooth as silk. Her brown hair moved and flowed with the calming wind. The tree wished to be able to hold the girl, like many elves that hugged and held each other under the trees yearning gaze. "My sweet tree, I have brought you something to drink" The girl's voice was loving. It made the tree yearn even more for what the tree thought was impossible. The girl poured water around the roots, watching as the tree guzzled and slurped."My sweet tree, you grow stronger. Soon you will be a great tree." The elven girl cooed.The tree didn't want the lovely girl to leave but she had too. "Why weep, sweet child?" The voice was one all plants knew, Mother Earth. "Mother, I love the elven, the one who raised me, I think I really love her." The tree spoke in a voice mixed with such sadness and happiness."My child, how do you know it's love" Mother Earth asked. "Mother I feel a need to be with her I feel so happy around her. I can't stop thinking about her." The tree blurted . Mother earth smiled before saying "Well my child, if this is love that you feel when your fruit is bared," She pauses before adding the next line. "When she comes to harvest the fruit, you will become what you dream of" Mother Earth then disappeared.As the tree grew, the years passe. Each day the tree's love grew. Each month, the girl visited more and more. Each year, he hoped to bare fruit. Finally, as spring came around the tree had fruit. She came to harvest the fruit. The tree watched and waited. She picked th ;ast fruit and the tree began to glow. She backed up in complete shock. The limbs became arms, hands and fingers. The roots became legs, feet, and toes. The center of the tree became a torso with a strong beating heart. When the tree finally completed the change, he was naked, but none the less he was an elf. "My sweet girl, it's is I, your tree." His voice was husky. She hugged him and led him to the village.That night, when she was asleep, he snuck out and went to the temple. He sent a thank you to Mother Earth. He listened to the wind it said, " My child, love brought the change, not me." She spoke. He smiled and returned to the elven girls side.Moral: Love is something that can create something more,Something to last longer than eternities.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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