Switzerland X Reader

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(The theme is winter.)

It had finally started snowing

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It had finally started snowing. At first, the snowflakes started out thin, and delicate. Melting once they hit the sidewalks. Then, it started to turn into a flurry. You were out in the streets, coming home from school. You picked up your pace a little bit, as you didn't want to get caught in a blizzard. You weren't watching where you were looking and ran straight into-

"Ah!" You ended up right on your bum. You quickly got up and brushed the back of your skirt off.

"I'm terribly sorry si- Vash?" Right as you were in the middle of your apology, you realized you just bumped into an old friend.

"Is it really you, (Name)?" He said.

You hadn't hung out with Vash since you were a wee little thing. Sure you still lived in the same town, and went to the same school, you just didn't see one another.

"Yes, it's me." You said, smiling.

"So, uh, how's it been?" He asked.

"Good, good." You said, looking out onto the street.

"You wanna go get something sometime?" you both said in unison.

You chuckled lightly, and a light blush dusted across Vash's face.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?" You asked.

"How about that one cafe?" He asked.

"Oh you mean Esspressini? My friends and I love to ge there all the time!" You said beaming.

"How about Thursday? Does four sound good?" He asked.

"That'd be great!" You said, putting the date and time into the phone.

"Okay, see you then!" He said waving to you.

"Bye!" You said, waving back, walking down the street.

You ran to you house, walking inside and going up to your room. You changed out of your uniform and into more comfortable clothing. You sat on your bed and got out your phone. You called up one of your school friends, and intended to gossip about your encounter.

"Hello?" Your friend said.

"OMG guess what?!" You yelled into the phone.

"What?!" Your friend said, incredibly loud.

"I'm going on a date. With Vash!" You squealed into the phone.

"You mean that one kid you used to like when you were younger?" Your friend asked, teasing you.

"Heeeyy, he probably just wants to be friends, or something." You said.

"So you still like him?" Your friend said.

"Do not." You said.

"Do too." She said.

"Whatever, so what if I do?" You said, flustered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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