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Feather woke up feeling empty as always since Milk left. A silent sob broke threw her as she remembered the small cream tabby kit that had left a few weeks ago. The kit was her everything since her other two kits died. "Please don't cry! We miss her as much as you do!" Fire said to her, he was Feather's brother and Milk's uncle. Feather looked at him with her tear-stained blue eyes. "I just can't help it! I miss her so much!" Feather cried to her brother. When she calmed down she told her brother she was going for a short walk. "Okay, just come back before Crow is back from hunting." The fire colored tom told her as she nodded, agreeing to the request. Crow was her other brother, he is a solid black tom with yellow eyes, he normally hunts in the early morning.

It was the night before the gathering, Feather was resting when she heard pawsteps. She saw Drowningstar the leader of Darkclan and a she-cat and three young kits. The kits looked cold and hungry. Feather hid from the cats wondering why they brought kits so young here at night. Drowningstar stopped and so did the she-cat, the kits stopped by the she-cats paws. "Why are we here, momma?" A black tom kit squeaked, "why are we here?" A ginger she-kit asked the she-cat. The she-cat looked at her paws in shame. "Leave them, come now or stay, I don't care." Drowningstar hissed at the she-cat. The she-cat nodded. The kits got the message to stay. Drowningstar only glared at the small kits and turned away to leave. The She-cat quickly followed with a look at the kits one last time before she disappeared into the bushes.

Feather looked at the kits in pity knowing they were abandoned. "Hey kits?" She called to them as she showed her face to the kits. The kits looked terrified.  "Y-y-yes?" A silver and white she-kit stuttered "do you need a mother?" Feather asked hopefully. "Yes!" The same ginger she-kit mewed happily. "We knew we would be left, I didn't think it would be like this!" The black kit mewed sadly. "I'm Dovekit, the black kit is Jaykit and the ginger one is Cherrykit! But I guess now we are Dove, Jay and Cherry." The silver and white kit meowed. Feather smiled and told them she was Feather but to call her mom. Feather invited her new kits in their den and brought them to her nest as the settle down and drink Feather's milk.

Please Tell me if I should continue, I don't think I'm good at writing.

Black, Red and Silver (a Warrior Cats story. I do not own Warriors)Where stories live. Discover now