chapter four - The sky

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Chays pov

The fact that Junhoe could be my Junhoe had been bugging me all day. Yeah sure there are more people with the same name. I just needed to check his familyname. That was an easy job since we had nametags. Koo Jun Hoe.. Why would he move to Japan and come back without telling me all of a sudden.. well it's not like he told me he was moving to Japan in the first place. The bastard..

I was sitting in class but I couldn't concentrate at all. Don't blame me though. I needed to talk to him and check his nametag. Just 20 minutes until lunch. I could sit with him, I mean with his attitude, he probably didn't have any friends.

AHH THE TIME WAS KILLING ME. Time usually went by too fast, how come it went slower all of a sudden. This made no sense.

'What's up? You look like you're about to snap.' Aimi whispered to me.

'I am. Time is killing me. I want lunch.' I complained.


'Nothing. Can't a person be hungry?' I said. If I told her I wanted to speak mr. idiot she'd be all up in my business and I didn't want to tell her unless I was sure. I mean I loved Aimi but sometimes..

'Why can't you eat in class? Didn't you bring lunch? I have cookies if you want?' She offered me.


'Hehe no thanks.' I laughed. Geez.


We all stood up and bowed to the teacher and I ran out of class as fast as I could. I felt the class stare at me in my back but I didn't care.

I walked to the small shop in our school and bought bread and a cup of tea. Yeah, our school sold hot drinks like chocolate milk and tea and coffee. It was nice.

I sat down and searched for Junhoe. After ten minutes I decided to go out. Maybe he wasn't even here. I drank my tea and took my bag with bread outside. I kept searching for him but I just couldn't find him. After another 10 minutes of searching I decided to give up. But there was one last place I didn't check. The rooftop. It wasn't easy to get there, you needed a key or some rare connections. Well you needed some rare connections to get a key so..

But luckily I had those connections. You see, Hanbin's friend Chanwoo was classrepresentor and all classreps had a key. So Hanbin asked Chanwoo to borrow that key one time, and he copied it and gave one to Donghyuk, Aimi, Momo, Ao, Taeyeon and ofcourse: me.

I only had 15 minutes left before lunchtime ended so I needed to hurry. I ran to my locker to get my rooftopkey out of it and ran to the rooftop. I was all out of breath when I finally reached the top of the stairs. Geez.. how about an elevator?

I took a deep breath before I opened the door. Please let him be here. On the same moment I thought he might not even be at school. But.. he was.

He was laying on the middle of the roof, his hands folded behind his head, staring at the clearblue sky. Geez how dramatic.

'Whacha doing, dramaking?' I sarcasticly said as I walked up to him.

'Can't you see? I'm laying down.' He said. Aishh..

I sat down beside him. 'Why?'

'Because the sky is pretty.'

AHHHH not another 'the sky is so pretty!!!' -freak. Aimi was like that too. She could just stare at the sky and make pictures all day. I never understood that.

'We are so small. If you think about it, the earth isn't that big either. But the sky if so big that no one even knows how big it is. Isn't it amazing?' Geez he sounded like a nerd.

I forgot all about why I came there and layed down beside him. I looked at the sky.

'I don't get it.' I said.

'You need to find the beauty.'

..what beauty? I sighted and tried to find it. Beauty.. beauty.. find the beauty, Chay.. the beauty..

I tried looking for it. I really did. Maybe I just didn't have enough fantasy.

'Do you see the beauty?' He asked. I looked at him and saw him smiling. He looked at the sky the same way as Hanbin looked at Aimi when she once again fell asleep in class.

'I uh.. like the color..' I said.

He sighted. 'Okay. Imagine the sky is a greenscreen above us. Doesn't it look pretty impressive?' He said.

I looked up. Weird enough, he was right. It really did look impressive. Ahh Chay you're losing your sense again. But I liked looking at it. Was this why Aimi did it all the time?

I heard the bell ring and I sat up. Was it that late already? Stupid Chay. Spacing out again.

Junhoe stood up and I tried looking for his nametag. I didn't see it. I stood up too.

'Where's your nametag?' I asked.

'I lost it.'


'HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID?! WHO LOSES THEIR NAMETAG? YOU CAN GET IN TROUBLE FOR THAT, YOU KNOW?' I yelled at him. I couldn't help it. I went through all this trouble searching for him. I even forgot to eat my bread and looked for beauty in the damn sky!

'Want to know my name that bad?' He lowered his face to mine untill we were just 3 milimeters apart. My face grew hot. Was I blushing? Tch.. stupid Junhoe. I wasn't even that small.

'Koo. Jun. Hoe.' He said. He turned around and walked away.

'Don't be late, you'll be in trouble.' He said as he walked down the stairs.

Holy shit. I just met my first and best friend. Chubby Junnie, Wannabe MJ Junhoe, Koo freaking Jun Hoe turned into a sassy sky-loving bleached idiot. If this wasn't crazy I don't know what was.

But wait.. I found out. What did I do now???

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