My Unlucky Day :"<

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Hitomi walk down the street, not paying attention to anyone, not even the shop windows full of nice clothes.

Hitomi is in a hurry.

She was having breakfast while listening happily to Oha Asa, waiting for her starsign and when it came...

"Today Cancer is very unlucky. Your lucky item for today is a polar bear plushie by Coca-Cola. Stay away from other Cancer or you might lose something."

Hitomi nearly choke on her cereals realizing she threw her Coca-Cola plushie something like a week ago. On another unlucky day, as Oha Asa had said.

That's why she is now heading to the only place that could have something like that. In september. Four years after the damned plush had been on sale with the fuzzy drink.

She step into the shop. The smell of "old" -and moss- makes her uncomfortable but she smile to the salesman. This is the only second hand shop she know. A friend of  hers used to drag her here to look for old valuable things. She never found anything, of course.

She head immediatly to the small part with toys and start looking for her lucky item. It takes a while but finally there it is,  white fluffy bear, with a bright red scarf and the Coca-Cola logo on it.

On the top shelf of course. Just a few inches out of her reach.

'Today Cancer is very unlucky.' She pout thinking about it and tiptoe to grab the small toy. She can feel it's fur but that's all. You can't reach it.

She just stay there with her arms raised trying again and again to get it, like a child trying to steal the cookies' jar on top of the fridge.

She snort, she'll try one last time, after that... she'll probably swallow her pride and go ask the clerk for something like a chair or maybe a ladder.

She tiptoe again and close her eyes thight, stretchig as much as she can and she can grab easily a paw. Looking up she see someone's hand holding the head of the plush, just a little lower than the shelf. Following the arm she end up staring into a pair of green eyes, slightly hidden by a pair of black framed glasses. she smile lightly, it's so kind of him to help a stranger...

"Thank you. I Couldn't reach it."-Hitomi

The man stares at her without saying anything and pulls on the plush. Her eyes widen: he wasn't helping her. He wants your lucky item! She tighten her grip and pull as well, giving him a fake smile.

"I. said. Thank you."

She try to sound threatening but he just glares at her, pulling more on the plush. she grab his wrist with her other hand, trying to stop him... and he actually stops, looking a bit angry.

"You're going to break it."

"YOU are going to break it! Let go! I need this!"

"I won't let go, this is my lucky item. I need it."

His voice is calm and threatening, but she can't help but stare at him, getting the hint.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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My Very Unlucky Day &quot;Midorima Shintaro&quot; [Kuroko no Basuke ONESHOT]Where stories live. Discover now