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Jack wakes up and sees that he's back at his old house, from when he was a kid. "What is going on?" Jack starts walking up to his old house when he hears someone coming. He hides behind the tree in the yard. Jack sees himself but as a kid. "What a minute I remember this." Jack stands behind the tree a listens. "Hahaha look it's the freak." A kid from behind kid Jack says. "Haha what are you running from twerp." Another kid from behind kid Jack says. "Joe and Dug , they are the bullies of my old school." Jack sighs. "Just leave me alone!" Kid Jack says to them. Jack sees his younger self start to cry. "They were such jerks. Well... are." Jack says to himself. Kid Jack runs inside and the other kids try to follow but don't make it. "Let us in twerp!" Joe says hitting the door. "Yea" Dug says. The door opens but it's not kid Jack. "Do you boys need something?" Jack Mom says. "Yea go Mom" Jack says quietly. The boys leave Jack house and Jack Mom shuts the door. Jack had the room upstairs. Jack climbs the tree and sees his younger self in bed with his face buried in his pillow. Jacks Mom walks in the room and sits on the bed. Jack is to far away to hear but already knows what he and his Mom said to him that day. In Jacks mind he plays the memory. "Mom why don't they just leave me alone?" Kid Jack said in between crys. "Your just kids Sean, you need to learn about yourselfs. But some people don't know how to do that the right way." Jacks Mom says. Kid Jack hugs her. Jack feels a tear run down his face. "That's only the beginning little me, it will be hard but you'll get through it." Jack says looking at himself and his Mom through the window. Jack feels himself loosing it again and the world goes black.

Jack wake up but all he can see is back. "Why do you resist?" Jack hears the burning voice all around him. "I know I can make it, I did it once and I can do it again!" Jack shouts into the darkness. Jacks head starts to pound. "Ah my head." Jack closes his eyes intel the pain stops. Jack opens his eyes and sees that he is playing a prop hunt video with Bob, Mark, and Wade. "This is the video I did a couple years back." Jack watches himself play. "Jack where are you?" Mark questions. "I'm hiding." Past Jack says. "Well obviously." Mark says sarcastically. "I'm in a spot that Wade or Bob will never find. Well maybe Bob but decently not Wade." Past Jack said. A couple seconds after Jack said that, Wade walks up and shots Jack. "Well I stand corrected." Past Jack admits. "Wow! 'Wade will never catch me' shot, dead" Mark mocks Past Jack. "But being caught by Wade that low Jack, just low." Mark says. Jack felt his chest tighten but soon got over it but for that brief moment Jack really felt it. Jack goes back to the darkness in his mind, this time without pain.

He wakes up on the floor and sits up. "What on earth is going on man?" Jack hears a loud bang and a voice from the front door. He recognizes the voice as the father as one of the kids. Jack stands up and walks to the door. He opens the door and sees the father, his son, and the other kid from before. "Good evening Sean, my son and his friend come to apologize about what happened earlier today." The boys step closer and say "We're sorry about trespassing and we dropped papas gun and we're seeing if you could give it back to us now, we promise it won't happen again." Jack tries to remember where he put the gun but it's all a blur. "Yea I'll go get it for you." As Jack walks through his house scratching his head "where did I put it?" As Jack walks though the kitchen he finds the gun laying on the floor. Jack picks the gun up and walks back to the front door. "Here you are sir." Jack hands the father the gun but he seems paler than usual. "Are you ok?" The father turns to him and says "You might want to consider getting a priest down here. The father and the boys left in a hurry. Jack walks inside and it's a huge reality hit of how tired he is. Jack stumbles into his bed and within seconds he's asleep.

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