Perfect Match (8)

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As she had promised, Cari went to visit Molly and Ria the day after her arrival home from Australia. She was hugged by both girls as soon as they opened the door to their apartment, and they tugged her into the living room where Nick and Scott sat with Julia and Hayley.

“Well, look who’s back,” Nick said.

He stood up to hug Cari. She hugged him back and smiled. “Hey, Nick.”

“What, don’t we get a hey too?” Hayley asked.

“Hello, Hayley, Julia, Scott,” Cari said, rolling her eyes.

“Much better,” Julia said.

 Cari settled down at her usual spot on the couch and crossed her legs.

“So, what’s the plan now that you’re home?” Scott asked. “Did you make any life-changing discoveries on your journey?”

“Not really,” Cari said. “In a way, yes, but not really. The plan is to go back to work and back to my life, and to just let events take their course.”

“Our baby is all grown up,” Molly said.

“Oh, shut up,” Cari said. “I can’t help it that I’m the youngest.”

“You’re still the baby of the group, and there’s no getting around that,” Julia said. “Sorry.”

“You’re not sorry,” Cari said.

“Nope,” Hayley said.

“I figured as much,” Cari said.

“So that’s it then?” Nick asked. “You’re just going to come back and go right back into your old life?”

“That’s the plan, yes,” Cari said.

“I couldn’t do it,” Hayley said.

“You didn’t experience what I did,” Cari said. “Trust me, if you were me, and you were in my position, this is exactly what you’d do.”

“I suppose we’ll never know,” Julia said. “Cari will always remain an elusive mystery.”

“Only if you let me be one,” Cari said.

“Did you let Christine know that you’re back?” Molly asked.

Cari shook her head. “I figured I’d give myself a few days to get sorted and get ahead on the backed up designs that I need to do before I go back to the bookstore.”

“Good plan,” Ria said. “Also, your mom called while you were gone.”

Cari stiffened. “And?”

“She wants you to come by for dinner again,” Ria said. “She promises she won’t be rude.”

“I don’t know if I really believe her,” Cari said.

“She’s still your mom, Cari,” Molly said.

“I know, but that doesn’t change the fact that she hasn’t exactly been the nicest person in the world to me, you know?” Cari asked.

“I can see why you’d want to avoid her,” Julia said. “But I’ve got to agree with Molly on this one. She’s your mom, and you have other family members too. Don’t sacrifice them just because you’ve got a problem with her. It’s not worth it.”

“I guess,” Cari said. “I’ll call tomorrow.”

“You’d better,” Ria said. “If you don’t, I’ll call myself, and then drag you over when it’s time to go.”

“You’re evil,” Cari said.

“Proud of it too,” Ria said, smiling.

“If it weren’t for the fact that I’ve known you since we were little…” Cari said, shaking her head.

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