The New Kid

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Crystal Cane walked down the hallway, heels clicking against the floor. As she walked to her locker, all the boys she walked by winked at her or whistled. She scoffed and flipped her dark brown hair. When she got to her locker, she found her best friend Michelle Kelly standing there waiting for her. Michelle was one of the most beautiful girls in school. She had long blond wavy hair that falls to her mid-back. Her eyes were a beautiful emerald green. Her face was almost flawless with absolutely no blemishes. All in all, she was very desirable.

Crystal's hair was a dark brown that fell all the way down to her waist. She had tan skin with light brown eyes. She, like Michelle had no blemishes on her face. Although, unlike Crystal, wasn't as interested in all cute guy that looks her way. I guess you could call Michelle a playgirl. But she was still her best friend. Michelle waved and said, "Hey girl!"


"Did you see those guys making kissy faces at you? They're fine!!" Michelle said with a snap of her fingers. Crystal threw head back and laughed. "I wouldn't know."

"What do you mean you wouldn't know? You can see it from a mile away! You know good and well that if you weren't dating Brian you would be all over them!"

"I would not! Unlike you, I'm actually faithful to the people I'm dating!" Crystal shot back. Michelle although just laughed. "I'll catch you later, girly. I saw this cutie around the corner winking at me. Catch you later!" She twiddled her fingers and skipped away. Crystal laughed at her. As she started getting books from her locker, she found two arms around her waist.

"So you were gonna head to class without saying hi to me?" a voice she knew very well said in her ear. Crystal smiled and chuckled.

"I would've saw you anyway, since your in the class right next to mine." Crystal turned around in his arms and kissed him. They did that for a few minutes before she broke the kiss. Crystal looked up to look at her boyfriend, Brian Kroft. Brian was tall, reaching to almost six feet. He had firm, strong muscles. They weren't overly huge, but they definitely weren't scrawny. He had light, fair skin. His face was very chiseled with a straight nose, high cheekbones, until they reached up to look at his dark brown eyes, that she fell in love with. All in all, he was very attractive.

"You better go. I don't want you to be late." Crystal nodded and gave him a chaste kiss before dashing off to class. As she sat down in her seat, the bell rang. The teacher stood in the front of her class and clapped her hands.

"Okay class, we have a new student joining us today. I want you to give him a warm welcome."

As she said that a boy came into the room. All the girls, beside Crystal gasped when they saw him. But Crystal was still shocked. This guy was very attractive looking. He was a little shorter than six feet, but he was still above average in height. He had dark, beautiful skin. He had a nicely shaped face with a small stubble. He had a nice body too. He had muscles that weren't too large and they definitely weren't small.

He walked up to the front of the room and smiled. His teeth were so white! All the girls were already hooked, line and sinker. All besides Crystal. But little did she know, that this same guy that she thought so little about is going to be the one the source of all her problems in the future.

"Hey. I'm Jaylen Jordan, nice to meet you."

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