Chapter 2

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Chap. 2

"Why's everyone in this village so ugly?" Naruto complained out loud, drawing the attention of everyone around him. Most of them gave him pissed off looks, since he dissed them, while others seemed to agree whole heartedly.

"C'mon, look at all these women! They're boobs are pretty big, and some really nices asses..." Naruto had forgotten the pervert was walking next to him. After four years of dealing with the ass, he got used to ignoring him without meaning to. Naruto, now at the ripe age of ten, was starting to notice people's bodies and whether or not they were attractive. So far, not impressed. Kurama's comments weren't helping, however. Every person they passed, he would shout out 'fucking small dick!', 'where's the muscle? Shrimp!', 'oi, boobs, get out of the fucking way! I got hotties to look for!' and other things, most of them far more insulting. So far, only one person had been deemed good enough to be complemented by the giant fox, and it was someone from a different nation.

Naruto continued walking down the street as Jiraiya was beaten to death by the kunoichi who heard his comment, and happened recognized him as the one spying on their bath so many times. It had become a normal occurrence, since Naruto had gained a habit of pushing the pervert through the walls when Jiraiya was peaking. Women thanked him within the safety of their minds, though none of them were willing to talk to the demon child, especially not to thank him in public.

"Hey, kit, you better hurry. That damn bell is gonna ring soon." Naruto had been going to the Ninja Academy recently - mainly to avoid the pervert following him - and was partially interested in what was being taught. It wasn't enough of an interest for him to actually pay attention to most everything happening in the classroom. Most of it was just watching his classmates and teacher, observing their energies and actions. Kurama told him that reading people was key for multiple things in life, especially Kurama's favorite thing, which was something he had never told Naruto, not even on his tenth birthday.

Kurama always said he was still too young whenever he asked, but Naruto did have an clue for what it was. Had for a while, ever since Kurama kept whispering the good points of people's bodies.

It's always interesting to see the difference between how people act in different areas of life. When at school, kids would tend to act less mature than when they were with their parents, and even less mature when they were just with their friends, no classmates watching their actions. In addition, it seemed to be the kids from Ninja families that enjoyed goofing off more than those of civilian ones. It truly was interesting, for both Naruto and Kurama.

But Naruto still didn't get along with most of his classmates. There would be the few times when he and three other boys, always the same ones, would get in trouble and escape the classroom together, but that was the extent of it. They weren't friends, but they didn't hate each other, either. Which was always good.

Naruto make it into class before the bell for the first time in a long while, which was fairly impressive to everyone in his class; not that they payed to much attention to his success. A couple people said 'Hi' to him on his way to the back of the classroom, opposite corner of the second unsocial character of their class, Aburame Shino.

The two don't have a friendly relationship as much as a mutual understanding - don't bother me, I don't bother you. So far, everything had seemed to work out, and Shino never seemed to get curious about what Naruto did in his freetime.

They probably could have become friends if Kurama didn't complain about bugs every time Naruto got close.

Class started up, and Naruto retreated into his mind. Kurama said he would teach the kid etiquette, so Naruto was curious what his dad could possibly know about such a fancy way of acting. As far as he'd seen, the fox was just a giant lazy ass furball who never wanted to play with his adorable little kit.

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