Chapter 5

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I hit my alarm clock and stretch. I wouldn't say I'm a morning person but I wake up easily. It's especially great to wake up on days like today, when I have exciting plans; Castiel is coming round. There's only one problem with all my plans for today, and it's Sammy. He going to be in all day, probably being dorky and saying stuff to Castiel to embarrass me. I jump as the phone rings and reach for it, but it stops abruptly. I begin to change into my clothes. Minutes later, Sam runs in.
"Dean, get this," He practically yells excitedly, "Jess made a miraculous recovery over night! There isn't one scratch on her and she's up walking and talking!" All I can think is Sam will be out all day...

Castiel is here on the dot of 11:00 am; not early, not late, perfectly on time. As I swing open the door he grins widely at me and, to my annoyance, it sends all sorts of damn tingles through my body.
"Hello Dean. I heard about Jessica's recovery," How? Only her parents and Sam were contacted about it. I decide not to question him.
"I know. It's awesome. So d'ya want a beer before we sort out Baby?" I offer politely. I'm never usually formal and I wonder where it comes from within me.
"Of course...but, Dean, why are you being so polite?" His eyebrows knit together with worry, "Is something wrong?" I laugh loudly, shake my head and retrieve a beer for the wonderful boy beside me.

The midday sun creates sweltering heat beating down on the garage. My dark haired companion has retired from helping me on the car and has undertaken the job of fetching tools and beers.
"Wait, so if you hate metalwork, why do it?" I ask Castiel after he tells me that he doesn't enjoy his course choice.
"My father...creates stuff," He says slowly, "And I guess I have to help," I'm appalled. Why can't Castiel do what he wants? Why is his dad his boss?
"He can be pretty scary and, well, he's my father. Wouldn't you do anything for your father, Dean?" I consider this for a long while; I respect my old man but I don't think I'd do anything for him. I ran from him to go to Stanford because Sammy was my priority.
"Most things," I answer curtly and I pull myself under Baby, "Cas, would you pass a wrench?" I mutter casually.
"Did you call me Cas?" He gasps, "No one has ever given me a nickname before," And with that he happily passes the wrench over and opens another beer. How upsetting, to never be given a nickname. Again, I wonder who is this guy?

"So," I start, "If you have so many brothers and sisters, surely they don't all have the same parents?" We're sat inside together and it's past 9:00 pm. We stopped working on Baby at about 5:00 pm and ate dinner, since then we've been talking and getting to know each other.
"I don't really know," He says. I motion for him to explain and he takes a deep breath, "Some of my siblings, I'm not very close with and so I'm not sure about their mothers. But we all have the same father," All of his answers seem detailed but are very vague. He looks suddenly at his lap and bites his lip, "Dean, are you in a relationship?"
I laugh, "Well, there's about 6 people that I still haven't called back but no. I'm single," I pause, "What about you?"
Cas meets my eyes and sighs, "I am single also. I love love but it's difficult to experience for me," His answers are so vague that I feel like I am missing an important detail that would help him open up. To my surprise, he speaks suddenly, "Look, Dean..." As we stare into each other's eyes, his words trail off. His sky blue gaze makes my breath distort and I can feel myself falling in love. He leans closer and so do I, our gaze breaking as I close my eyes. I feel his lips brush against my own and then stop. "I should be, um, going. It's getting late," He stands up and puts his waistcoat and trenchcoat back on. I pretend to smile but I'm disappointed.
"Oh, ha, yeah. Dammitt, I didn't see the, uh, time," I mutter awkwardly. I grab the door for Castiel and scratch the back of my head, "Seeya tomorrow then, dude," He nods shortly and smiles. I shut the door and sigh loudly, sitting down on the sofa where suit boy had just been.

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