Chapter 7

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Louis' POV

I can't quite tell if she still loves me or not. I'm still undeniably in love with her but I'm almost convinced she no longer loves me? I have to win her back before it's too late.

But how the fuck am I gonna do that?

Next thing I know, im dialing her number and feeling my heart skipping fucking beats at the sound of her voice.

"Hi Louis!" She answers, I can hear the smile in her voice and it feels good to know she is smiling. I'm not one who's quite used to seeing her smile.

"Do you want to maybe grab lunch today? Or dinner?"

"Uh.. hold on," I hear shuffling noises on the other end of the line and immediately get nervous. Does she sound nervous? Nervous to speak to me?

"Er.. sure. we can grab lunch together in about an hour, just let me finish getting ready," she answers and I calm down a bit.

"Alright, see you then."

I hang up the phone before she can even think about changing her mind. I miss her. I miss being close to her. I want Charlie back in my life and I want her to be mine. I don't want to be a side hoe or some shit. I am all hers and I want her to be all mine. In an hour, I have a chance to make that happen if I just get my shit together and prove to her that I will forever love her and only her and how I never want to lose her again.

Shit, this won't be easy.

Charlie's POV

I hope this is a normal hang out. Well, not completely normal. Me and Louis' type of normal I guess one could say. Actually no, not our version of normal. Actual normal. Friends. Eating lunch together. Having friendly discussion. Simple.

Just no arguing or mentions of the past.

I wish he could understand how much I still love him. I shouldn't but I miss being in his life and him being in mine. But, I still have to do what's best for us both. Louis doesn't know what's best for either of us so it's up to me to control both him and myself from doing anything stupid.

I throw on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a V neck grey t shirt. I tease my hair a bit so it looks somewhat decent, grab my black and white converse, grab my keys, and head out the door as I dial Louis' cell.

"Yes?" He answers, seeming a bit frustrated.

"Hey uh where are we having lunch?" I ask him, already getting into my car.

"My place.. if you don't mind."

I start up my car as he gives me directions to where he is staying for the week. I still can't believe all of this is happening. Me and Louis are hanging out so frequently and we obviously still have feelings for each other yet constantly meeting up. We're like high school kids.

After Louis gives me directions, I thank him and start my route to his place. Once I make it there, Louis is already waiting for me at the door. He's not dressy, but not too dressed down either. Which makes me feel stupid considering I didn't really dress up for this hang out.

"Hi," I greet him as I walk up to him at his doorway "may I come in?"

"Yeah, of course," he says and leads me into the apartment. I get completely caught off gaurd when i see a dozen roses in the middle of his dining room set and candles all around, lighting up the room. I see plates with chinese food in them as well.

I figured we would go out and get take out but not a candle light "lunch".

I see Louis studying my face out the corner of my eye "what?" I ask.

"Are you going to react? Say something? Do something?" He responds, obviously nervous.

I didn't even realize that I havent physically reacted.

"I-I don't even know w-what to say.." I honestly tell him.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the table, seating me in a seat across from him before sitting.

"You don't have to say anything, don't think too hard about all of this, just hear me out, okay?" He says in a soft voice, making me feel at ease and less intimidated by all of this.

"Charlie, I am in love with you. I haven't stopped loving you since you've left me, despite how I've acted or things I've said before you left, I love you. I always will love you no matter what you say or do. You thought I would be happier without you but I am not, I'm worse without you. I haven't had a real smile since you left until the day I ran into you again and interacted with you. It didn't take you long to make me smile again. And seeing you with Jackson fucking kills me. It makes me feel fucking small and I don't want to feel that way around you, ever. And I never want you to feel that way around me. Shit, this speech is all over the place but I'm getting to the point. I'm not going to hop into things too quick and ask you to marry me or some shit but using baby steps I would like to ask if you will go out with me?"

Speechless. I am absolutely speechless. Literally. I open my mouth but words don't fall out of them. I promised myself I would do what's best for both me and Louis once I got here but shit after that speech, I don't know what's best for us anymore.

Or maybe I do.

I don't want to go down the path I think is the best right now though.

"..when I ask for you to go out with me, mean like actual dates. Not doing anything like inappropriate or anything but basically hanging out but as an official couple," he explains himself a little bit more but I shush him.

He stares at me blankly before I smile and nod, wiping a tear from my eye I didn't even realize fell down. I stand to hug him and he hugs me back tightly. This hug feels warm, familiar, as if things never changed but at the same time I feel a fresh new start.

This hug feels like home.

Before I know it, we are both leaning in, our lips touch and I almost can literally see sparks flying.

"Louis.." I whisper in between kisses and he hums.

"I love you, so fucking much."

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I wrote another chapter can you believe that!!?!?!?! I've been MIA for who knows how long. My wattpad had stopped working but it recently got fixed and then i had to reread a bit of the first book and a few chapters in this one to have my mind be re jogged on the plot of the story and what happened and where everyone was at. But im back now! I wont be updating everyday, probably every week. And i said i was going to start another series along with this one but since I just got back, im gonna stick to this series for now. And guys, Louis and "Charlie" are dating in real life and thats still funny to me bc i literally started this book probably before they even met. im larry trash but I dont mind Louis and Danielle bc of this story lmao. love you guys, thanks for your support x comment what you think Charlie's gonna do about Jackson and how do you think she should have handled this whole Louis situation??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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