Chapter 6 - The Wedding

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"I now present to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Underwood!" The announcer spoke into the microphone as everyone in the ball room started clapping.

It's silly to do this in my opinion, but it's what's gonna make my mother happy. It has been a hectic day, and I'm just happy it's time for the party part of this wedding to start. This morning my mom decided Jonathan couldn't see her until they were at the courts, so he and Ricky decided to get a hotel room for the day to get ready at. I was stuck with curling my mothers hair, and doing her make-up and let me tell you she was a nervous wreck all morning. And she decided she didn't want herself, or myself to wear our dresses until the reception, so after they got married she and I had to go back to the house to change.

The ballroom lights were dimmed, but there was a disco ball in the middle of the dance floor, giving off some light around the room.

The table I was sitting at included my mothers sister, Lila, and her three kids, Jody, Heather the whore, and Eric. Jody was the youngest, and my favorite little cousin because she was actually nice. Heather was about my age, and she was a whore and there's no need to explain her further because that's just who she is, and Eric just turned twenty two, but it was like he was supposed to be in high school with me because he was kind of childish.

The newly weds sat at their table they decided would be just for the two of them, music started playing, and everyone started to finally calm down.

As the music played family members from both my side, and Jonathan's filled the big dance floor in the middle of the room. Heather jumped up and ran to dance immediately. Multiple members of the Underwood family eyed her up, and a few started to dance with her. I stayed at my seat, since I'm not much of a dancer.

"So how's life living in the new house?" Eric asked over the music, scooting over a seat so he was next to me.

Honestly it's not the worst.

"It's alright, I guess. It's just an adjustment." I replied smiling.

"What's it like living with that Ricky guy?" He scrunched his face. Eric has heard a lot about Ricky since he and Cara are practically best friends. She's had a crush on him since the seventh grade, but decided to play it cool and stay friends. He is just too old for her. Anyways, she keeps him in the loop on everything.

"To be completely honest, it's like living with a 18 year old Hugh Hefner. That boy is so sexually active I'm surprised his junk hasn't fallen off!" I laughed.

It was true. He has had at least three different partners in crime just this past week. I couldn't imagine being with that many people in a month!

"Wait, I thought he was 17?" He asked, still laughing a little bit from my Hugh Hefner joke.

"Nope," I said popping the P, "he's a only a few months older than me though."



"Speak of the devil." He nodded behind me.

I looked behind me and saw Ricky approaching with his hands in his pants pockets. He wearing an expensive as hell looking dark grey suit and tie. He looked, he looked, wow. Wow is literally the only word that comes to mind as he quickly approached.

I stood up to meet his eyes. Due to my wearing heels I was actually met with his eyes when I stood up instead of his nose. When I stood, he took a small step back and looked me up and down slowly. Not his usual, playboy look he throws out, it was more like when he was looking, he was actually seeing. After what felt like a lifetime of being started at, his eyes found mine.

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